View Full Version : 2nd Interview wash-out rate

5th Jan 2006, 01:03
It seems to me that the wash-out rate at the second DE interview in HK is very high. 70% or so seems to be what I have seen both on this forum and from a couple of other reports. Any guesses on why that is?

5th Jan 2006, 02:22
sent you a message, check your PMs

5th Jan 2006, 04:21
I'm heading off on 2/8-2/9 for phase 2 DEFO and I hope to be in the 30% if that is the case which I hope it is not.

Any and all info is greatly appreciated.

5th Jan 2006, 04:30
I'm off for my DESO on 2/27-28 so I'm just trying to figure out what separates the passing folk out. Good Luck.

5th Jan 2006, 12:14
I am just trying to figure out what separates the passong folk out

At the end of my Stage 1 interview I was given a not-so-subtle hint: "Of all the event which will take place during Stage 2 the Simulator Check is the most important one... so it is probably a good idea to do a thorough prep." These are the actual words (or as close to them as I can remember, but the jist is clear) of the interviewer.

I also spoke to a number of management figures during our Cocktail Party at the end of Stage 2. Every single one of them started their conversation with me by asking an identical question (it was almost too freaky:hmm: ): "So, how did your Sim session go?..." Oh, yeah, that was also the very first question I was asked during the Final Interview.

Any questions?
Good luck!

5th Jan 2006, 16:00
During my phase II for DEFO there were 4 of us...only 1 of us was successful. Whats thats 75% failure.


5th Jan 2006, 21:29
"The sim is worth 60% of the overall mark, so even if you get 100% on everything else but screw the pooch on the sim, forget it"

That's what I was told, from someone who's opinion I've come to trust implicitly.

6th Jan 2006, 01:12
So, does this mean that most of the succesfull applicants have purchased
B742 or B744 simulator time? What's the average cost of a prep course for the sim? How useful is it if one is flying 70 hours+ a month?
I'm headed to final interview in May and was also told about the importance of the sim evaluation, and that a previous applicant had success by using the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. What's your guys's opinion on that?
Thanks for the help.

6th Jan 2006, 08:46
Yup the Sim is the most important part of the second interview.
I was asked if i purchased any time in a Sim to practice. I think it has to do somwhat with showing them how much you want to work for them and that your willing to travel somewhere and spend some money to do as best as you can on your evaluation.

6th Jan 2006, 09:46
Here is some info for you guys! I did my II interview in AUG05. We were eight guys of which 6 made it through the last two we have not heard from, so results not confirmed.

Of all the six that made it no one had taken time in a 747 sim, all were off medium to light jets and one off a Dash 8. The two guys who are unconfirmed did time in the 747 sim. DonŽt sweat it just do you best and youŽll be fine.

Good luck to you all, and may the force be with you!

6th Jan 2006, 12:05
DDDOF and Viking,
Thanks for the different perspectives. I'm going to check into prices and dates for the sim, we'll see....
I think if you really have your scan well-developed, go in with a good understanding of power settings and pitch-attitudes for different phases, and flap/gear speeds, it should work out well.
If anyone has time to post what the actual sim profile was, it would be great. I read about it on a post here from about two years ago. Since it might have changed by now, I'm asking for a heads-up on the current sim profile.
Hope you are all enjoying flying, and life.

The Kook
6th Jan 2006, 15:48
Buy the sim time!

It can never hurt you. I bought some time and the first half hour was very humbling. An evaluation is no time to be learning how to fly the sim. Of course, some are better at flying sims than others, I am not, and after five minutes in the sim I was very glad I did.

If it gets you the job you will never miss the money. Better to spend the cash and time than wonder down the road if you should have done it and if it would have made a difference. I guess it depends on how bad you want the job.

8th Jan 2006, 18:47
As a prior military guy and never flown anything other then fast jets I bought 2 hours of 747-200 time at Aeroservice in Miami. I was able to do the profile 4 times and I truly don't think I would have passed otherwise.
My sim evaluator at the cocktail party pretty much told me there I had the job.

psy clops
8th Jan 2006, 22:08
Same as Bjammin - 2,000+ Military Fast Jet and 2 hours of Qantas 743 sim in Mascot. I know which one got me through! Oh and btw I wasn't a 'HUD junkie', when I knew that I had the sim eval coming up I flew plenty of approaches on the head down (steam driven) instruments at work. Surprisingly similar layout to the classic.

The biggest thing that I got out of the sim time was how much anticipation was required to slow / accel 275,000 kgs; having run through the exact profile a number of times is an obvious advantage. I also had the advantage of a very experienced mate in the other seat who was putting me right (a lot!)

I'm sure that some people get through without having had the practise, but I know that on my intake (6), only myself and one other got through - and we had both purchased an hour or two first.

I can't really see where the discussion is. If you have the time, buy the sim time - how can it disadvantage you? Can't afford it? Borrow the cash, CX might not be employing next time you apply. Surely you want to get to HK for those 3 days as prepared as you possibly can be? Remember too that if you are the only one on your Part II interview who has NOT had a practise, it'll probably show. That might not matter - but being the worst on any selection course is unlikely to be a positive thing. Finally, you will not have that nagging doubt in your mind that perhaps you could have done more...

Good luck all,
