View Full Version : Minimum baby age?

4th Jan 2006, 20:47
Is there an age restriction on new born babies flying (as a pax, with parents, inside the aircraft etc, etc!)? I also presume its airline dependant. I'm sure I had a six day old baby once on a flight.

Thank you!

4th Jan 2006, 21:33
As far as I am aware,as long as the baby is fit and well they can fly.


7th Jan 2006, 08:19
Our daughter was born at 34 weeks unexpectedly while my wife was on a job interview. (Fortunately, I was along to carry the luggage.) The pediatrician attending the delivery suggested we fly home (2.5 hr fllight) the next day. (Other than being 2.1 kg, she was healthy, with good lungs and adequate thermoregulation.) His concern was that she was likely to develop jaundice of the newborn, in which case she'd need to be treated with bili-lights for a week or more, in a city that was far from our home, before we could fly. The airline was fine with her flying (with MD's note), the flight was uneventful, the cabin crew were very kind to us as new parents, and she did develop jaundice two days after we returned home.

Fourteen years later she's none the worse for it and still loves to fly.

PS. My wife went down later to complete the interview and was offered the position.

8th Jan 2006, 19:38
We took our daughter of 6 days on a 50 min flight with no problems, she slept all the way, unlike her 5 year old brother! We were a bit worried about her ears but in the end everything was just fine.

9th Jan 2006, 04:40
i had to do an online 'quiz' as part of our security training (QF) a few months back, and one of the questions was about how young a baby can fly- the answer was that a baby under 1 week old must have a doctors clearance before being permitted to fly- i guess for obvious reasons that their lungs are still so newly formed. dont know if this was a QF thing or across the board?? someone lese might know this???

9th Jan 2006, 16:55
With Ryanair, my son could not fly until he was 14 days old.
I guess every airline is different

9th Jan 2006, 19:41
At eastJet, its two weeks. Better to be safe than sorry. Just to make sure those wee lungs are fit & healthy:D

10th Jan 2006, 15:32
I would say just check with the airline you travelling with to confirm and take the name of the person you spoke to just in case.