View Full Version : Indian COP/RTR qualification

4th Jan 2006, 00:16
Can anyone out there advise me what foreign qualifications are considered adequate/of sufficent merit to negate the requirement to sit this qualification in India?

4th Jan 2006, 21:28
Anyone? :)

4th Jan 2006, 22:00
Can't be done.

Just take the exam. It's quite straightforward.

4th Jan 2006, 23:50
I finally found some information on the Indian Government website but to say its an easy read would be very very very kind. It does mention that exemption is accepted but doesn't outline what courses/qualifications from other ICAO States are recognised.

Again, can anyone shed some light on this?

Left Wing
5th Jan 2006, 11:13
If you get a UK CAA FRTOL or CASA, you can convert it directly to Indian FRTOL for the issue of your Indian CPL.
