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View Full Version : Do you have any good advice

23rd Sep 1999, 19:32
My name is John Olav Ofstad,and I am from Norway.
The reason why I am posting this, is because I am srarting at a helicopter school in San Francisco very soon.I will start in the very beginning of october. The school I am going to attend is Helicopter adventures Inc.
I visited the school earlier this year,and I have to say that I got a good impression of the school.
I will get a j-visa that give me the opportunity to stay in the US for 24 months.I hope I can be able to finish the school in approximately 9 months.This gives me a little bit more than a year to stay in the US to build up my hours.
So my question is,do anyone out there have any good advice on how to get that important first job? I know that most people start out as CFI`s. Tunaboat operations is also something I am interested in,but I don`t know much about it. Maybe you do?
If you have any good tips,or know the right people,I would really appreciate if you dropped a line or two.
John Olav Ofstad

24th Sep 1999, 01:36
Yes John dont take up Heli flying go fixed wing there are more jobs out there and it will be much cheaper for you.

24th Sep 1999, 04:10
Not like you to be so unreasonably
Let the young man have some fun--
--maybe in the bush in OZ or PNG,and
then he can get a proper job on planks
by the time he's thirty.
I would suggest the Helicopter
World handbook,which has all the contact
details---throw lots of copies of your
resume at the problem, and see what comes
Keep Max's advice in the back of your
mind,however,because there is no serious
future in helicopters.

24th Sep 1999, 23:49
I totally agree with Max get it ALL fixed wing then add a helicopter Commercial There are VERY few jobs for low time chopper pilots and it costs WAY more than fixed wing

This will cost you WAY TOO MUCH

25th Sep 1999, 03:50
The best advice I can give is to go to a school who's instructors have real commercial experience, and contacts in the industry. If your instructor is only hour building himself, he/she is not much use to you after you get your licence. I got my PPL in LA, and the general rule seemed to be that getting a CFI ticket is the only way to go. I got my commercial in Australia, and it took me 5 years to break through, but if it's what you want to do, go for it. Don't be distracted by people telling you to fly slab-wings. Just get used to being asked for 1,000hrs PIC for any decent paying job.

Captain Catastrophy
25th Sep 1999, 19:48

i agree entirely with the advice so far. Helicopter adventures i think is run by ex-Bristow training school personnel so the training will be good.
If you need money there will probably be jobs in the North sea in about 9 months time for low hour pilots due to the large number of people leaving the industry to go fixed wing.
If you don't need money then go and set your hair on fire round the world
In the long run, for a secure financial and personal future you must go fixed wing.
the order you choose to do things in is entirely dependant on your own circumstances

Good luck!

Floppy Link
26th Sep 1999, 17:08
Gotta agree with T5
If you want to fly helicopters then don't let anybody distract you.
And don't let them blind you with the fixed wing holy grail stuff either. Been doing it for 4 years now TP Captain / jet FO and almost had enough.

Put your trust in rotor thrust!

got to go now and do a night IBZ. Joy

26th Sep 1999, 17:34
Its so refreshing to hear somthing positive about a career in rotary aviation from Floppy Link. Sure the UK helo` industry is not at its best, but when you take the blinkers off and look at the world scene you`ll find what you are looking for. Of course you need some experience to get a decent job, have I missed somthing here, or isn`t that the way it goes for every career on Earth!!!! If an ATPL(H) is what you`r aiming for then go for it. The fixed wing "Gods" do have a lot going for them I agree, but I wonder how many of them will put their hands up and start taking about the bordom level at some flight level!!!!


Fly it until the last bit stops moving!!!!!


26th Sep 1999, 20:25
Go out and enjoy it, you can always go fixed wing later, as some of the big airlines actually prefer guys with a helicopter background. Their overall awareness of the situation is usually much better

26th Sep 1999, 20:40
Thanks a lot for you reply,I really appreciate it. Both from you that do not sound too positive about the helo industry and the more positive minded people.

I am fully aware that I will not get rich over the night in this bussiness.That is not my goal either. The reason why I am choosing this,is because I want to have a job I really enjoy.
I know that it can be a bit "risky" to enter a carreer like this,but I will do my very best to succeed.If I do,and get a decent job,I believe that I will be looking forward to go to work.I am now 22,the last year and half,I have been working to save up some of the money needed for flight training.So I am not rich. I was working quite a bit with computers that last year,and I know for sure that is not what I want to do for my living.
I do not think that there are very many people in the world that look forward to the next day because of their job.
Again,thanks a lot for your reply.
Well,guess thats it for now,talk to you later.
John Olav Ofstad

27th Sep 1999, 01:02
The heli industry is at a low point but it seems to me that in a few years time there will be a pilot shortage. Everything points to it. Hopefully that will mean that we can soon be paid in line with our skills and experience! This industry is all about boom and bust.

May the Force be with you - and may Gravity treat you gently..