View Full Version : IAS, TAS and Ground Speed & Descent Charts.

30th Dec 2005, 02:24
Hello every good man here,

I have take a look at some aviation books and i find that for the performance calculation, most of these books have attached with the takeoff, climb, en-route cruising and landing charts for calculation reference. However, in most case, i do not find any descend chart for the calculation, i wonder should i use the climb chart for descend calculation or is it because most books just has missed to mention it. Please give me some advice on this for every professional here, i will be very appreciate for any advice.

Happy New Year



30th Dec 2005, 02:58
Dear all,

In the flight log, it was found that there are IAS, TAS and Ground Speed. Would anyone told me their difference.

For the time calculation, time = distance/ speed, would anyone told me i should use the IAS, TAS or ground speed to calculate the time?

Thank you.



30th Dec 2005, 08:03
are you going in for the first or second CPP interview? your questions seem to be so technical

The Messiah
30th Dec 2005, 08:18
Use groundspeed.

TAS is IAS corrected for instrument error, compressibility and density altitude. Groundspeed is TAS corrected for wind.