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View Full Version : police/air ambulance pilots

3rd Mar 2000, 19:59
Does anyone know what experience and qualifications are required for police and air ambulance pilots in the UK.

Also who`s the best person to speak to down at Gloucester.


suckback 6
3rd Mar 2000, 23:59
Home Office guidelines state
1500 hr's total
500 twin
50 (I think ) night
They also state that ex military is preferable but I don't think thats relevent these days.
Just direct the letter to the Ops Manager or Personnel

4th Mar 2000, 11:34
Speak to Director Operations or the Group Chief Pilot on 01452 857999. Best of luck!

5th Mar 2000, 14:59
Marco had the phone number. The head of Human Resources (posh title for personnel department)is Sue Barns.

Good Luck.

6th Mar 2000, 06:20
The chief pilot is Paddy Connelly :)

[This message has been edited by MightyGem (edited 07 March 2000).]

7th Mar 2000, 16:47
Many thanks for the information.

Time to decide if I want to do shift work again.

8th Mar 2000, 16:57
Might Gem - you do Paddy a great honour by promoting him to PAS Chief Pilot. He is in fact the Chief Training Captain. David Russell is the Group Chief Pilot.

9th Mar 2000, 00:26
Is there only one Company now doing this type of employment? Do AirOmega and MacAlpine's still supply Pilots?

suckback 6
9th Mar 2000, 00:42
Yes, Macs as OSS were and aeromega and Bond Air services all supply Police pilots. Sloanes also provide Air ambulance pilots

11th Mar 2000, 15:41
tbc, Paddy's such a good guy he should be the chief pillot.

OSS is now called MAS Ltd (McAlpine Aviation Services Ltd). Not to be confused with PAS's MAS (Medical Aviation Services. The name change was done to make the connection with McAlpine Helicopters more obvious. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif

[This message has been edited by MightyGem (edited 11 March 2000).]

12th Mar 2000, 04:22
what is a pillot?

Chip Lite
12th Mar 2000, 20:53
Similar to a pillock? :)

14th Mar 2000, 06:52
Pillots fly airyplanes and helichopters, I are one. ;)

16th Mar 2000, 08:31
And yesterday you couldn't even spell it? As the saying goes...

Fly safe!