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View Full Version : AirNZ Powerplant outsourcing

20th Dec 2005, 02:30
I can just guess the terrific Christmas people at ANZES will have before them as a result of the announcement yesterday, the people who have been working on the powerplants, and the people who work on the planes, who have to wait until February.

My question is - nowadays when airlines choose planes and engines, often the support of the equipment is part of the package that wins the deal. Would this have been the case when AirNZ did the announcement for the 777s and 787s? So AirNZ management would have known months ago that the widebodies and powerplants would not have major checks done in house.

AirNZ will regret losing the skills - once they are gone, they are gone for ever.

20th Dec 2005, 07:01
It is certainly a big loss to lose these skills. I wonder how bad things really are beneath the surface. Qantas is doing the same.

I read the merger proposals and this is precisely what was said would happen if Air NZ and Qantas were not allowed the merger. Personally I was not in favour of the merger proposal but a watered down version may have prevented this.

There are very few airlines in the world today making a profit and there are not the Chapter 11 provisions available in the USA to assist Qantas or Air NZ if things get to that.

Where to next?

20th Dec 2005, 14:46
I feel real sympathy for those who are now not going to have as good a christmas as before..very sad.
Reality check time...market forces at work here pure and simple, if NZ or QF cant do the work to a competitive standard and competitive cost, then it must be outsourced. Its been happening for years in the UK with dedicated aerospace firms (FLS etc..) and has allowed carriers to remain profitable (along with many other areas of saving) here despite the challenging conditions.
Without doubt Air NZ engineering represents some of the highest standards throughout the world, unfortuantely it also represents outmoded working practises, inefficient materials handling and sourcing processes, and all in all a pretty cushy number in comparison to many other similar positions outside this sector. Given the mouth music that has been being murmured for at least the past 6 months, this cant be a great surprise.:sad:

23rd Dec 2005, 03:44
boys!!!! if you go to D&G reporting points.....RYAN TCAD has a post...."QX similar to AIRNZ" the aritcle is well worth reading.........arohanui...