View Full Version : Spotters have their uses!

12th Dec 2005, 09:43

Evening Star
12th Dec 2005, 11:09
Now wait for US pressure to have spotting banned on the grounds of security.:hmm:

ES (not a spotter)

Skipness One Echo
13th Dec 2005, 17:33
A Guantanamo for spotters....hmmmm

17th Dec 2005, 16:59
Not meaning to be a scaremonger, but I have already heard from a reliable source that elements in the US have already suggested the closing down and sealing off of "spotting or viewing" areas at airports outside the US.

Now, you may ask how can the US get areas outside the US closed down, I guess it will be done in the interests of "Security" etc etc

Lets wait and see what happens, but I believe that in the not too distant future, this may all come to pass

17th Dec 2005, 17:17
As a spotter / photographer I can assure that this won't work. Even if airport apron areas were made un-photographable, nothing can stop taking pictures of landing / departing aircraft.

Besides, it would be another FREEDOM taken away... i.e. a win for the terrorists :*

17th Dec 2005, 17:18
I have a hard time believing that the US will have certain airports spotting areas shut down. They may try, but I think it's impractical to seal off large areas of British, Scottish and Irish Country side in the interests of security.

I would think that if two Governments are co-operating in the war on terror, such as the US and U.K., then why are military bases worldwide not being utilized???

These aircraft that everyone keep going on about, could be just ferrying spare parts for covert, encrypted radios. How about transportation of classified documents. I have a hard time digesting the fact that terrorists, are wisked in the back of these birds, and are landing in of all places Prestwick. Or Dublin, or other civillian airfields.

If the US Government wants to transport a known terrorist or wanted person around the globe in order to have there way with them, I hardly think they are gonna pull into some secret hanger on the far side of Prestwick Airport, just to gas up.

These aircraft are registered to dummy companys throughout the US, and lead to nowhere and result in nothing. Maybe they could be serving a purpose to keep you looking over here, while the terrorist's are being moved over there? They could be dummy flights themselves, being flown by dummy pilot's who think they are working for company XYZ, transporting cargo ABC.

Who knows. Least of all, the media and eyewitness accounts have to be some of the most unreliable as we all know.

17th Dec 2005, 18:21
Flame you gave me a good laugh, thanks!

17th Dec 2005, 18:37

You are very welcome...But watch this space;)

17th Dec 2005, 18:43
I shall. But you watch out for those men in white coats. I've heard from a reliable source that they're out looking for you! ;)