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View Full Version : FAA to CAA conversion

16th Feb 1999, 16:20
High time helicopter pilot wanting to undergo conversion seeking any and all tips..
have dispensations for the flying but still have to take most of the ground school..
presently on contract in the far east but will be released shortly (end March)..plan tentatively on arriving 2nd quarter 1999..thanks.
PS. life is hard enough in this business and I'm looking for constructive advice.. so if your a psycho or a doom and gloom kinda guy...take it elsewhere thanks...

18th Feb 1999, 08:03
I know that going the other way all that was required was writing the Exams and passing a flight test, considering all the hourly requirements were already met. Try
toccarse.htm> for info. Good Luck.

18th Feb 1999, 08:38
Hey Bladestrike...tried the address you gave...came up'conn to server could not be established...could you check the address for me....Paul [BH212-JKT]