View Full Version : AUH and finding work for partner/spouse

8th Dec 2005, 15:33
Hi there

I have been looking at various expat webistes but I also would like to hear from pilots who brought their partner/wives to AUH.
I realise the UAE is a good place to raise kids but what if we don't have any. Would it be possible for my partner to find work over there perhaps on a part time basis (if there is such thing) ?

Any experience welcome (apart from the Eastern European girlfriend that is ;)).

9th Dec 2005, 05:58
There isn't much of a part time culture out here because generally employers have to pay to sponsor their staff and the cost of that is the same if they work part time or full time. Generally again the hours are longer and the pay lower than in Europe. This is because for any job there is someone from the subcontinent willing to do it for less.

There are some good jobs in the UAE for expat spouses. If you let us know what line of work your wife would be looking for it would be easier to offer more specific advice.

9th Dec 2005, 07:09
A lot of the expat wives work here, and even though BG is technically correct about the whole sponsorship thing, in practice you will find that wives will be paid cash in hand as a local hire.

A lot work as teachers assistants at the big western schools, or as secretarys at some of the big companies. Basically though if your wife wants work she will find it.

12th Dec 2005, 09:46
Thanks for the info... We are at the planning stage so nothing definite of course but in case I get an offer sometimes in the spring then all your comments would have been helpful.

By the way BigGeordie, she works in Research and Development or in Labs but not in a specific sector. Any company overthere with R&D departments someone can think of ?

Thanks again for your replies

Left Coaster
13th Dec 2005, 06:09
Without meaning to put any sort of spin on it...even if your wife has a degree in aerospace admin...you will find that the competition for any accredited positions very competitive...and the winner will be whoever wants the job for the lowest amount paid. Seriously, you will find that there will be a serious pay issue over serious positions. What you WILL find for the old girl is "Promotions"! Jobs that pay cash by the hour and require in most cases, that she shows up and learns patience. AED 50 per hour is good cash for a couple of days work...but AED 40 per hour for say, a week or two can help with the beer money. But be prepared to be looked at for the "easy on the eyes" aspect to be a large factor in who gets picked for what jobs. You can find the adverts in the local rags or hit the expat women websites. Sometimes a gem or two comes her way...good luck.

14th Dec 2005, 14:00
My wife got a job no problem and as for sponsorship, she was sponsored by me and that is acceptable and preferable so that should she loose the job they cant insist on here leaving because she looses her sponsor too. Pay is a problem but in the end it is cheaper to live here although I don’t know how long for!

14th Dec 2005, 18:12
I am sure our chairman can get her a job, but she would start low though!
