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View Full Version : Landing Gear Trivia

15th Dec 1998, 21:26
Frequently Sea Kings of the Senior Service (Royal Navy) flog overhead and appear to leave their undercarraige down whilst over land, raising it as they coast out. Civil operators (SK61s at ABZ for example) seem to raise the gear on departure regardless of their location vis a vis sea or land. Any reason for the difference in procedures ?

16th Dec 1998, 01:18
The military generally leave the gear down over land as they tend to fly lower than the civvies, and if both engines stop, it is one less thing to worry about.

The Sea King does not gain a great deal in fuel efficiency by raising the gear as the whole aircraft is as streamlined as a block of flats!

19th Dec 1998, 14:16
Thanks Cyclic,

another of lifes great mysteries explained !!
