View Full Version : Project Hero’s

3rd Dec 2005, 07:52
Project Heros

Attention all Members:

I would like to do an appeal on all of you to please assist me in the following project:

I’m in need of ALL photo’s of the graves of all members of our Forces who died in the line of duty for their / our Country.

If possible, please take digital photo’s of all the graves in your Town of the Hero’s Acre and send them through to me at the following Email address: [email protected]

Please also put in where the graves are situated, Town, graves No`s:, etc, as I must afterwards try to locate the next of kin in this regard.

Thanks for your co-operation and I hope all members will assist me in this Project.

Don’t worry about the size of the photos as I have created a 1 Gig Email address for this project.

Thank you
Frikkie Potgieter
SA Forces Club


3rd Dec 2005, 08:54
Moderators please move to the Africa Aviation side as Frikkie is purely consentrating on the SA Forces.



3rd Dec 2005, 09:12
(is he? Perhaps Frikkie could confirm)

3rd Dec 2005, 11:38
Frikkie Potgieter
SA Forces Club


I know him ...

Brian Dixon
3rd Dec 2005, 16:35
I know that it's not strictly graves, but would this help?
UK National Inventory of War Memorials (searchable) (http://www.ukniwm.org.uk/server/show/nav.002)


tony draper
3rd Dec 2005, 17:16
Theres a splendid Boar War Memorial in my park,got names dates regiments ect ,but I think we were, err fighting the South Africans on that occasion.

http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.monkchester.co.uk/images/saltwell_park/saltwell_pk19.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.monkchester.co.uk/saltwell_park_11.htm&h=480&w=372&sz=30&tbnid=2FTiYj3Am5sJ:&tbnh=126&tbnw=97&hl=en&start=4&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSaltwell%2BPark%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D% 26sa%3DG

3rd Dec 2005, 17:33
Don't tell us you claim for the invention of concentration camps for the Boers!

4th Dec 2005, 05:52
Grandpa never forget Amajuba :E

4th Dec 2005, 15:53

Perhaps if you do know Frikkie Potgieter it might be an idea for him to ask whether the moderator would move the thread. Frikkie did, after all, say all armed forces.

Before this all changes into a pissing contest Majuba was 1st AB War. My great uncles ware too young to be in that one but the others were in the Boksburg and Carolina Commandoes and my grandfather was in the Australian Mounted Infantry...all survived and all got on well together, grandfather being known as an 'oustryder' by the others. However, all this talk of remember Majuba is all very well, but Vereeneging was the end of it all, and there it should lie.


15th Dec 2005, 15:31
Will get an answer for you Nutty - I am sure of myself but who knows I can be wrong as well :E

Just a help on the spelling :

Your Grandfather might have called an "oudstryder" ??? It means Old Fighter ... or the fighter of his / their rights.

Vereeniging is the correct spelling where Amajuba was forgotten by some :E

Cheers mate


19th Dec 2005, 14:28
As I said : For SA Forces and graves inside SA only : Nee dit sal net wees van die SA Magte Lede se Grafte in SA.