View Full Version : Sexy advertising gets airlines hot under the collar

1st Dec 2005, 04:45
Saw the new ad for Lynx deodorant the other day, gave me a laugh (involuntary reaction, on imagining the reaction of the FA groups :p)

Basically, FA's in the classic 'fantasy' skintight outfit with hats, massaging/pampering male pax, while flicking hair & pillow-fighting. Call buttons for options such as 'spanking' etc... :ooh:

This article courtesy of Ninemsn.com.au:

With the tagline "Get on, get off" you'd think this fictional airline was the dream of harried travellers and pre-pubescent boys the world over.

Instead this tongue-in-cheek plug for deodorant has hit severe turbulence, and proved to be on the nose for enraged flight attendants and women's groups.

The rest of the article here (http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=74897) (and a video, but purely for research purposes :p :E)

So I wonder if they were originally going to be wearing orange outfits then? :E

And of course the million dollar question: right to be concerned, or another case of PC gone mad???

What do you CC think of this? Do ads like this make you laugh, and see that yes, you can make fun of your profession, or does it make you mad??

Interested to hear both sides of the story...

1st Dec 2005, 09:31
What do you CC think of this?

Yawn....perfume for blokes..........yawn

mr ripley
1st Dec 2005, 11:10
For more research visit: LynxJet website (http://www.lynxjet.com/index.php)

1st Dec 2005, 14:15
Oh dear this again!!

People need to lighten up.
Thsi PC bandwagon is veering out of control and its getting boring.
If this was women perving over scantily dressed men there would be no probem.
And yes I am a woman!

1st Dec 2005, 15:12
If this was women perving over scantily dressed men there would be no probem.

Alas..........you ladies don't do nearly enough of that:(
Maybe when I get a job on the flight deck.......:E

1st Dec 2005, 16:00
Great! another wannabe techie who thinks they're gods gift to women!

You gotta laugh at the ad!

1st Dec 2005, 16:12
Was tongue in cheek..... hence Evil Grin:E
.........not the Wannabe word again..... it hurts :yuk: ...
Ps add is funny, no one could take it seriously, and how could that offend anyone? Not enough sense of humour out there.....................Now if Carlsberg were to do airline travel......
Kind of on the same note isn't it?

2nd Dec 2005, 10:02
seen it!!! Wish the chicks I push trollies with looked like this, they could press my call bell anyday!!!!
CHD (oh and oz, not tech crew)

2nd Dec 2005, 10:27
OZ, shame on you for hating all techies! :E

2nd Dec 2005, 17:31
I don't know what all the fuss is about - It looks pretty accurate to me!

:E :E :E

3rd Dec 2005, 23:19
Just went to the website.....

I think its hilarious! Totally tongue and cheek.


If people have a problem with this they need to get a sense of humour!

Having said that though, I can see why Jetstar pulled out, and I would not have been impressed with having to work on that yellow painted 717.

With "Get on, get off!" written down the side of it, i think it would give permission for pax to behave very badly. And I wouldn't want to be a "mostess" on that plane!



5th Dec 2005, 01:58
C'mon what's the problem with this? We all know the stereotype of our job, and everybody knows that this is not reality, it's just the way it always has been and always will be. Men find cabin crew attractive...Big deal?!?!?!

P.S. I'm loving the Aussie accents on the video...I wanna come homeeeeee :(