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View Full Version : Sexy advertising gets JQ hot under the collar

1st Dec 2005, 04:40
Saw the new ad for Lynx the other day, gave me a laugh (involuntary reaction, on imagining the reaction of the FA groups :p)

This article courtesy of Ninemsn:

With the tagline "Get on, get off" you'd think this fictional airline was the dream of harried travellers and pre-pubescent boys the world over.

Instead this tongue-in-cheek plug for deodorant has hit severe turbulence, and proved to be on the nose for enraged flight attendants and women's groups.

The rest of the article here (http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=74897) (and a video, but purely for research purposes :p :E ;))

So I wonder if they were originally going to be wearing orange outfits then? :E

And of course the million dollar question: right to be concerned, or another case of PC gone mad???

(I've copied to the CC forum, to see what our FA friends think)

Ready Immediate
1st Dec 2005, 05:19
The best advertising campaign is a controversial one - I'm sure they'd be very happy with the free coverage.

30/30 Green Light
1st Dec 2005, 05:45
I'm sure I saw a 717 parked in the maintenance area at Tulla last week with Lynx Jet painted on the side.Don't see the F/A's being happy crewing that particular one.

Big Hairy Potatoes
1st Dec 2005, 09:38
Your dead right 30/30 GL. Has been there all week- VH-VQR I think.WAS painted with the LYNX branding , now it's just yellow and sitting there not being utilised. To funny, LYNX have always had risque advertising, this one has backfired a bit hasn't it.

1st Dec 2005, 11:41
VQR is an A320.

It was VQH.

I believe it may now have some sort of Xmas scheme applied? Anyone confirm?

The Baron
2nd Dec 2005, 20:27
Yes it is very upsetting.....

Now I'm over it, would someone give me the booking number so I can book a seat !

Ronnie Honker
2nd Dec 2005, 21:38
Why are all of these women who are spokespersons for groups purporting to promote "womens' rights", such ugly mothers?
Initially I started watching Sarah Maddison being interviewed wrt that LYNX ad, with the sound off, and wasn't sure if it was a male impersonating a woman.
So I turned the speakers on, and then realised I was wrong - it was more like a female impersonating a male.

My guess is Sarah is quite envious of those good looking females who are confident of their sexuality, and who groom and dress themselves to display it, whereas she (Sarah) looks like a frump because she quite obviously doesn't make any effort to present herself as attractive. (Is she a dyke?)

3rd Dec 2005, 12:53
Ah yes, Lynx Jet - the ULTIMATE job!

Does anyone know their minimum requirements?

What's the pay like? (who cares, just give me lots of over-nights and old machines always going U/S).