View Full Version : No flight experience

26th Nov 2005, 21:03
Hey everyone,

I am currently awaiting a reply from the AFCO regarding my recent filter interview and i just got to thinking about what they might think to some of my previous activities.

I am very athletic and have played football etc all my life but have had no flying experience, apart from a 1hr helicopter lesson that is. Im worried that this may count against me as im sure many candidates have been members of ATC or uni flying squadrons.

I explained how motivated i was to join the raf but dont know if my lack of flying experience will be a stumbling block. I do plan to take some flying lessons before OASC, providing of course im accepted, but im afraid it may be too little too late.

Anyone have any advice or have been in the same situation? I would be very grateful for any help

Thanks, DD

26th Nov 2005, 21:09
Your not the first, and you will not be the last. Dont loose a second of sleep over it.

26th Nov 2005, 21:13
Phew...thanks very much Tiger, was a bit worried...and private flight lessons are very expensive, something i would like to do tho.

Cheers again :ok:

maximo ping
26th Nov 2005, 21:45
Trip 1 of EFT in the Chipmunk was my first ever flight; hadn't even been in an airliner prior to that. No wonder I was rubbish...;)

26th Nov 2005, 22:12

Keep quiet about the football: it's not an officer's sport!

26th Nov 2005, 23:19
Santiago...cricket more the gentlemans game? ;)

I play that too, so hopefully...

Thanks for the advice


Neptunus Rex
27th Nov 2005, 05:35
Durka Durka and other Fledglings

Don't worry about it. My first flying experience, at the age of 12, was a 20 minute joy-ride in a Rapide (Ah! - de Havilland !!!) My next flight was my first flying lesson in a Jet Provost (Ah! - the Beatles generation !!!) Any QFI will tell you that the most important attribute in a student is MOTIVATION. I was not in the ATC - worse, I was in the Army Cadets! So, take heart, and, if they should turn you down this time, simply re-apply next year. THAT will show motivation and maturity.

Bon chance,

Neppie :cool:

27th Nov 2005, 06:19
If you have some money, get some gliding in. Far cheaper, probably more fun at that stage, and just as good for learning the essential skills.

27th Nov 2005, 09:08
Trip 1 of EFT in the Chipmunk was my first ever flight

Mine was in a GR1 whilst holding - remember vividly sitting at the threshold thinking "Hmmm, I hope I enjoy this..." :ooh:

Don't stress it, DD - if they like you it doesn't matter if you've 0 Hrs or an ATPL.

Duncan D'Sorderlee
27th Nov 2005, 10:42

I'd agree with all the posts so far, but do be prepared to explain what you did when your contemporaries were at ATC or UAS. Were you aware of these organisations? Were you too busy playing sport or doing charity work?

Good luck.


27th Nov 2005, 11:30
I do plan to take some flying lessons before OASC, providing of course im accepted, but im afraid it may be too little too late.

Don't bother. You'll get taught very nicely during EFT, and it all starts very slowly from "up down left right" first principles. In fact, I think it's about trip three before you even try "up" or "down."

I hadn't done anything more than stare out the window of an airliner by the time I got to EFT, and in common with the majority of pilots, I worked out ok.

Some people will tell you that random civilian flying will just instill some habits that aren't necessarily the way the RAF teaches; so you'll find yourself maybe "unlearning" 5 hours flying before you start.

The Swinging Monkey
27th Nov 2005, 11:43

If you are going for pilot, then I would advise you NOT to get any flying lessons.
There is nothing an instructor hates more than an ab initio who knows a little bit!! Go flying by all means,l but let Cranwell or wherever teach you.

Good luck and hope you are successful
Kind regards to all

Runaway Gun
27th Nov 2005, 11:53
Another point of view is: go for one or two joyflights, or even a few lessons. If it's a joyflight in an aerobatic aircraft, then you will really get your money's worth.

That way you can answer with some integrity when you say "I really want to be a pilot, because I really enjoy flying". Having actually tried it once or twice will help convince the recruiters, and increase your own enthusiasm (if possible).

You won't have to unlearn too much with such limited exposure.

27th Nov 2005, 22:40
Been in your situation mate.

Answer is (as several have said); it does not matter. But what really does matter is what have you done with your life if you haven't been in ATC / UAS etc. Personally I had a list a mile long and my first flight was in a Chipmunk at Swinderby followed by first ever solo (of any kind) in a JP at CF.

That being said, they were recruiting a lot more in those days and when the chips are down, experience that the recruiters can recognise (ATC / UAS) beats other interests (committee member for this and that) every time.

Confidence in where you stand will also pay dividends. (Likewise will the nouce to ask through a forum such as this)/

Good Luck.
