View Full Version : Blade tapes.

5th Feb 2001, 01:27
Lu Zuckerman advocates the use of blade tapes to eliminate the ingress of moisture into the blade structure. He has obviously never been faced with the lifting of just one of these tapes on just one blade at night in severe rain over hostile territory
with a casevac aboard. Tis then you hate engineers who advise owners that tapes protect their leading edges!!!!
I vote that tapes should be banned by international treaty. Any comments??

Lu Zuckerman
5th Feb 2001, 01:43
To: Cullcov

Lu Zuckerman does not advocate the use of blade tape to prevent the entry of water into the tips of the blades. What I said is that if possible that blade sleeves be used to protect the blades from freezing moisture or at the least, use the tip caps that are used to tie the blades down when parking overnight.

The Cat

willy the one
5th Feb 2001, 09:42
Leading edge anti erosion tape is a worthwile item providing it is properly maintained. As with any other part of the structure if your slack on maintanace then the pilot will pay the price.A good walkround/preflight always pays dividends for the wise aviator.

5th Feb 2001, 23:02
You obviously never had to open your check book to pay for a blade to go through a shop.

A good walk round will tell you if the tape is going to come off. From experience use Stainless steel tape you need mole grips to pull it off