View Full Version : Nationwide / New airline rumour ?

African Tech Rep
12th Nov 2005, 13:08
My neighbour just told me that a guy looking to rent some property from him is going to work at “a new airline who eventually will take over Nationwide”

Bless him – he even promised to try and get me “in”.
(he knows I work with planes – but doesn’t have the faintest what a Tech Rep does – but can’t blame him as some airline people don’t)

Anyway – is this just a guy trying to get a better price ? or is it based on something ?

12th Nov 2005, 14:04
I don't anything about taking over Nationwide, but a few months ago there was a major publicity stunt to anounce the launch of a new airline.

Five black helicopters flew over Johannesburg at night with bright spotlights shining down in a five point star formation. Apparently some people actually called the cops and said that Joburg is under attack... ;)

They announced on the news later that this was the initial announcement of the new airline called "Five Star Lines".

Haven't heard anything else since then though???

12th Nov 2005, 14:35
The five helicopters with spotlights was indeed an advertising campaign that was across the country.

It was to represent the new airline Qatar that was starting to fly into South Africa and the 5 spotlights represented the fact that it was a 5 star airline or something to that affect.

12th Nov 2005, 16:45
Don't you just dig rumours!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could this be anything to do with Cantoun Air that is supposed to start in the near future................when is the big question????

African Tech Rep
12th Nov 2005, 18:34
Etihad sprang to mind – but doesn’t fit the bill – new airline = OK taking over Nationwide = doubt if they’d be into the idea.

Cantoun Air ? – I’ll try to get my neighbour to drop this into the conversation as see if a reaction is got.

Beachbum – we have different big questions – I can get paid before they start ops, someone’s got to do Lease negotiations / Tech acceptance / write MS’s etc etc – you poor pilots have to wait until they got something to fly. ;)
But tell you what – if I get anywhere I’ll put a good word in for you – if you post a pic of 737-50 and 1000 (I’ve seen the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 900):E

12th Nov 2005, 18:55
Taking the proverbial P**s out of the Boeing no's ......as for the 1000.....who knows maybe after the -900 anything could happen.
As for Cantoun Air, post some info if you have!!!
By the way its Beech as in Craft not Beach as in sand.......:ok:

12th Nov 2005, 22:39
Guys keep those egos in check please.

Tech Rep, I'd remind you that this forum is primarily for professional pilots; we welcome all other aviation professionals with the expectation that they will exhibit some rudimentary common decency - if you start strutting your stuff & preaching about how much more important you are than us "poor pilots" then you are not welcome here. I trust that what you said was tongue-in-cheek, but you have ruffled the feathers of a number of members with your jibe.

Carry on please.


12th Nov 2005, 23:40
4HP... I think you must have had a rough day ... I dont think Tech Rep deserved your response.

13th Nov 2005, 09:24
I agree with Parrot completely. 4HP, it's quite obvious that ATR was having a humourous little dig at pilots...that's what the winking emoticon signifies.

Lighten up!

13th Nov 2005, 09:56
OK, I apologize. New edict - it's OK to have a snipe at others as long as you have a winking emoticon. ;)


Solid Rust Twotter
13th Nov 2005, 10:57
..And you wear your underpants on your head.:E

Sorry... Wrong forum. :O :)

13th Nov 2005, 12:29
....... And it's not me your talking about!!!!!

African Tech Rep
13th Nov 2005, 13:07
I promise you that one was meant as a gentle jibe – and I’m surprised it upset anyone – but to those it did I apologise.
For clarity I think pilots are just as important as the rest of us in aviation – without them we’d be wasting our time and without us they’d have nothing to do.

Beechbum (got it right this time :ok: ) – if I get any info I will post it (if 4HP lets me :ouch: ) – as I said right now it’s a “third hand comment” – but I see a new start up as beneficial for everyone, except the bit about taking over an established carrier.

Note – the “evil” icon ( :E ) – it was just my p**s take on yours – while Boeing can persuade the FAA it’s just another variant on the 73 it can stay on the same Type Cert and save them money – so I fully expect our childrens children to be talking about the 737-9000.
Can’t see them doing a -50 though as the ‘00’s are actually used to give more details – ie it might be a -300 but really it’s a -332 or a -3YO, the last two denoting purchaser and delivered config (I think – used to know but no-one ever seemed interested).

Parrot & Teignmouth – thanks for the support.

SRT – do they have to be clean ones ?

Please insert one of the following if anything above is considered a "snipe" ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Africa Dog
13th Nov 2005, 18:42
My God, are the bus drivers(4HP) throwing the tools out of the cot, Boys their is only one God here it is called the Air Loadmaster, even when God needs a question answered he turns to a Air Loadmaster:ok: Waiting for the abuse boy's

Don't forget your ;) 4HP

African Tech Rep
13th Nov 2005, 20:37
Shouldn’t that be An Air Loadmaster ?

And it’s only the ones with a current DG rating that are true Gods.
But they can be the most important crew member – if only cause they can wake the pilots up.

For 4HP – no ;) cause it’s not a “snipe”
The last bit is scarily true – one of my previous lives was doing this and on at least one occasion I averted “disaster” cause when I got back to the pointy bit after a smoke I really woke the crew up.
For an idea how many hours WE had done - it was on a DC6 - not many can sleep on a cargo 6 :D

Africa Dog
14th Nov 2005, 07:39

14th Nov 2005, 08:30
Mount Olympus is rumbling and then you go and type in CAPS as well. :ooh:

"...for He will strike down, with GREAT vengence upon thee...."


African Tech Rep
14th Nov 2005, 14:44
Freight guys are used to living dangerously ;)

Comes with the territory

Africa Dog
14th Nov 2005, 15:06
Yeah espically loadmaster, dont know which way to bend, everyone try's to sc##w the loadie captains and the office boys, that why we always have vasoline on us.;) ;) ;)

14th Nov 2005, 15:09
I once listened to a great guy...telling what they did from the back of an open Herc ramp over Whales. :p

Or are you talking about Afrika :ooh:

African Tech Rep
14th Nov 2005, 15:27
AD – you must work for one of the paying companies - we had to use Grease 7 cause Vaseline aint cheap in the quantities we needed. :uhoh:

MF – Not sure about happenings over Whales – but Wales is the land of my fathers and part of Afrika is where I am.
But must admit never really played on C-130’s – UK CAA have BIG down on them :sad:

14th Nov 2005, 15:48
Well the story....it's too shocking!:yuk:

Why would they (RAF) then p1ss on the country of your fathers? (More than one - I personally only had one - you must've been spoiled over Xmas;) )

The next King....Charles (not ATC speak) is after-all now the Prince of Whales!?


African Tech Rep
14th Nov 2005, 16:40
Ah – heard about that – but I was told it was South Africans – who stopped as soon as they realised those black faces looking up at them were miners on the way home.

Charlie = Prince – yeah, but only by default – Next King – umm Charlie the third - sure he’ll be as accepted as his predecessors.

BTW – wonder if we’re in contention for the biggest thread drift award ;)

14th Nov 2005, 17:03
Nationwide flies to the UK, don't they?

You see, drift is relative to the prevailing winds that in return may lead to precipitation....in a way also applicable to spitting in the wind you see.....

Yes let's stay with the topic, one can barely "Cantoun" one hand, the amount of airlines that actually managed to start up after rumours of their existance first surfaced in Africa.

You see, we always stay on the topic, even though in a Whaleish accent. (now where did Mrs. Mystic put my Gaelic phrase book) All I remember from that was what I learned from Sean Connery - I suppose it means "Good day, How do you do?"

Here we go: Bond, James Bond! (almost forgot the ;) )


African Tech Rep
15th Nov 2005, 10:27
Mystic – it’s not just SA – many people would be amazed at the number of people who actually do feasibility studies etc – even more amazed by the number of those who continue until the money runs out even after being told “your plan ain’t good”- but if some rich people want to share the wealth by trying to start airlines who are we to stop them – besides occasionally one of them succeeds.

I’m polite – I never spit into the wind – but do seem to spend a lots of time p*****g into it

On the subject of thread my neighbour reckons Cantoun is correct – from another thread it seems their doing it a bit strangely in that it seems they have crew but no planes (I always suggest a confirmed delivery date for the planes is the “timeline” for getting crews) – should I find out anything useful or interesting I’ll post it, unless they employ me and put a confidentiality clause in.

You may have been looking for iechyd da which really means “cheers”.

Oh – and yes Nationwide does fly to OK – but I wouldn’t buy an airline for one route – then again I might if it was profitable enough and the others that came with it weren’t loss makers, or I might just “take over” that route – poor cats = many ways to skin them

16th Nov 2005, 02:44
Techie, cheers you win, mate. I personally think he wanted to create a misconseption of actually great people, you see misconceptions. A big word.

Catch you later mate, or iechyd da!