View Full Version : Word 2000

7th Nov 2005, 12:49
Can anyone please explain where Microsoft Word 2000 stores auto saved documents. I know this is no sub for regular saving but try explaining that to my wife!
If I need to find a doc where would it be saved?
Thank you

7th Nov 2005, 15:53
Using W2002 so cannot recall 2000, but is there a 'File Locations' tab under 'Tools'/'Options'?

Found this on Google:
<Word's AutoSave feature doesn't work the way most people think it does. This feature periodically makes a copy of your document and adds the .ASD extension to it. As time passes between the saves, you may have added a substantial amount to your document, but the changes are not in the .ASD document. These documents are temporary and are erased when your document is saved. More importantly, they are deleted when you close the file. AutoSave is designed to recover work in the case of a power outage or system crash. You should always save your document by using the Save command when you exit Word.

If you want to turn on the AutoSave feature or just change the time interval on the saves, choose Tools, Options and select the Save tab. Enter the time interval that you want in the Automatic Save Every box.

However, don't put more faith in AutoSave than it deserves. Often, it may save you significant amounts of time and work, but power outages, in particular, are difficult situations for Word to handle. After a power outage, Word frequently demonstrates the annoying habit of making an open file unrecoverable. >

Looks like you will not find any '.asd' files when you exit W2000 by saving the work? Check out W2000 help/autosave too.