View Full Version : QR Cabin Crew Training

5th Nov 2005, 14:55
I'm due to begin my training to cabin crew with QR soon. Any truth in that you are given a two week long service training and afterwards trained accordingly within SEP etc?

Can't wait to get to DOH!

seasick (not air sick!)

5th Nov 2005, 15:09
Dont worry dear, your enthusiasm will wear out by the end of the course!!! LOL!!!!
When I trained over three years ago for QR, SEP was done first followed by cabin service training, after all theres no point teaching you the easy stuff first if you cant pass the hard stuff!!!

5th Nov 2005, 15:34
Sorry, you probably missunderstood me. But, after having read several threads on here it seems as QR needs crew desperately and is only putting you through cabin service to operate as service crew?

5th Nov 2005, 18:13
Cabin Crew are a legal requirement on board for safety reasons NOT for service reasons. Every Airline that i'm aware of covers SEP first because you MUST pass this. There would be little point in covering this after service delivery because people do fail SEP. Even the chefs on Gulf Air and the massage girls on Virgin have to cover SEP, as far as i'm aware.

5th Nov 2005, 21:37
Oh seasick, your talking about the service crew! Well assuming they are still doing that which would not surprise me then yes, I guess you will be doing service training first, doing a few flights where you have no responsibilities other than serve food and drink and then go back to do your SEP training. But surely that must make alarm bells ring in your head? Do you really want to work for an airline like that??? They arent short crew because they are expanding so quickly, its something else!!!!!
Oh well, either way, enjoy your training and I hope you survive!:E

p.s....A300man, I awaite your response!!!! :}

6th Nov 2005, 11:26
You have got to be kidding me, right?

" I know your husband is having a heart attack but i'll have to fetch a fully trained first aid crew member"

" I can't deal with the toilet fire myself but i'll just go and get a member of the crew who is trained to deal with fires."

" Your child is chocking you say, just wait a minute while I get someone to help you"

" I heard the Captain mention NITS but my training didn't explain the implications of that"

If this is true, I can assure you that it's a cold day in hell before I or any member of my family EVER boards a Qatar flight! :(

6th Nov 2005, 11:39
Its true bymonek,
Thats what they are up to!!! Mind you, when I last brought up those points on pprune I got shot down by the few pro qatar people in here saying that its perfectly acceptable!!!! :}

6th Nov 2005, 12:12
In a galaxy about as far away from Qatar as you can get, 'Hooters Air' does exactly what has been described here. The briefly clad 'ladies' who provide the pax with errrr.. service and eye candy enroute are not trained flight attendants. The airline has other, not so visible ladies (and gents?) who do the boring stuff.

6th Nov 2005, 13:04



Just a word of advice - You\'ll meet the ever so friendly SALIYA (cabin crew manager) who\'ll welcome you and be ever so nice to you but beware......he\'s a two faced snake and when you come to leave after being terminated or when you resign he\'ll snub you completely - so when you need help with your flight tickets home or require any advice you\'ll never get it off him, he\'s a coward and Al-Bakers puppet.

Is it too late for you to go to another airline? I\'d get out now if i was you - I have advised many people including pilots not to go to QR and thank god they took my advice.

You\'ll be doing flights to say CDG, get back to DOH having minimum rest and then operating another flight and it goes on and on....cabin crew are having their days off down route which is absolutely disgusting but QR get away with it time and time again.

SEASICK: im sorry to be so negative to you as a new recruit but this is really how it is, i\'ve just been talking to crew at QR today so i\'m regularly updated.

6th Nov 2005, 13:59

6th Nov 2005, 14:01
strength: Ok, good!

7th Nov 2005, 08:40
Could anone enlighten me of the lengths of different layover destinations?

Any advice affordable is appreciated! :ok:

12th Nov 2005, 16:27

QR and 'Hooters air' are chalk and cheese. You see, although I still wouldn't let my 'family' fly on hooters for obvious reasons, I on the other hand..............

If you're going to die, what a way to go eh! ;)

miss petal
13th Nov 2005, 08:11
First GF is on my ban list, now QR? How can I go home now?? Service crew and minimum SEP trained crew on board? Wtf is that?? Disgusting I have to say... some idiots just don't value other ( people's life.

Seasick.. wish you all the best and have a safe flight. .. think once again! before you go... do yourself a big favour.

13th Nov 2005, 23:56
Anyway Miss petal i would not recommended you to transit via Doha...itīs a mess in the airport, and it seems that less and less flight are departing on time.

15th Nov 2005, 20:08
I used to be with QR-CSD, amazing that it's getting worse everytime I read any thread about them.

I thought that one day they will treat the crew better. Well, it seems that it's not going to happen.

Good luck to you Seasick... when the airline was new, it had a friendly environment, I don't know much now, my friends don't have time to complain I guess they have been flying too much.


in limbo
15th Nov 2005, 20:11
Hey Miss Petal.
Why is Gulf Air on your ban list?

miss petal
15th Nov 2005, 21:39
Ban = Last last resort... or maybe not..

Saw the cabin crew eating and drinking.. ( hold the cup so it won't spill her uniform ) while chatting with her colagues.. during take off, honestly the aircraft is taking off. I was in the first row of Jclass ( I think it was 737 ) I can see them clearly.

Next flight crew didn't secure the cabin for take off and landing. There's one lady with a huge bag .. no.. HUGE that she had to put her leg on her seat.. all the way to final destination. None of the crew noticed.

Some tray table were still open, crew kept serving tea coffe during seat bealt sign on .. eventhough they we're flying at some stage..
Spoke to the crew, and said their average flying hours 120 every month. Fatigue all over their face..

There's more.. but the point is.. I tend to generalized the whole company based on what I saw. If that's the level of cabin crew safety awareness I'm sure is not much different with the rest of the staff.

It was such a messy flight.. messy in service it's fine.. but in safety? That's scary.

miss petal
16th Nov 2005, 04:32

That was just my experienced, first flight and bad immpression. Probably that was just one bad flight out of thousand flights with GF.
Left me with all the bad thought about GF. But I'm sure they're flawless in any other performance.

Will see you in other airline.. :-P

Happy Flying

16th Nov 2005, 05:20
In an emergency the passengers are going to look to any crew member in uniform. The Virgin beauty therapists were SEP trained because they were a uniformed crew member and it was felt that in a crisis the SLF wouldn't be able to differentiate between them and the "proper" cabin crew. This is indeed a scary development and I'm with Bymonek on this.

16th Nov 2005, 11:29
Fascinating, no offense, though, but aren't we a bit out of the subject now? :p


20th Nov 2005, 03:57
Unfortunately Qatar Airways cabin crew recruitment and training has fallen way behind the numbers they need to man the aircraft.

As a quick fix they train crew in cabin service - economy class only - and then fly them in a non primary position where they are not required for safety related procedures. They need to balance the operating EP qualified versus non qualified crew and the rosters suffer as a result.

At a later date crew are brought back off line to be trained again by Saliya and his band of merry men.

Unless you are desparate for a job don't do it. Qatar Airways advertise that they take people personally - unfortunately this does not apply to their cabin crew who are treated quite poorly.

20th Nov 2005, 18:18
Or flights call signs are Q.T.R.... is it for Quick Termination and Resignation....?

21st Nov 2005, 06:13
All of the cabin crew do an excellent job, whether SEP trained or not. They are an excellent group of people and I continue to take my hat off to them.

homesick rae
21st Nov 2005, 21:35
Past and present they are and always have been.

A300 Man...I am awaiting your call and message!!!!
