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View Full Version : I can't download pdf files anymore

31st Oct 2005, 22:05
My computer has stopped dowloading pdf files from the internet. I have Adobe Professional which works fine but when I connect to the internet it stops working and freezes.

Any ideas?

1st Nov 2005, 06:01
My suggestions would be:

1) Check out if there are any updates to your version.

2) If no updates available, try uninstalling and reinstalling

3) If still facing the problem, try downloading to your hard and then opening.

Hew Jaz
1st Nov 2005, 10:51
Not wishing to hijack thread, but could also do with advice...

I'm also having problems with .pdf files, although I'm using Adobe 7 free reader. All was fine until it wanted to update itself from 6 to 7. Now, I am unable to view files, either online, or even after downloading to disk.

I have uninstalled it, reinstalled it, uninstalled it and gone back to Version 6. Alas, 6 no longer works!!

It just hangs the pc now. CPU usage shows as 100% even with no other progs running. Only way out is to restart pc - at that stage, a little task manager window pops up and tells me that Adobe isn't responding, and suggests clicking on 'end now'. (But the Adobe isn't showing as running until I begin to shut pc down.....??)

Is it something to do with Adobe overall?? Are there many more cases out there of .pdf files no longer happy in general?:*

1st Nov 2005, 14:03
Sometimes works for me:

Click: Tools/Internet Options/Advanced/Security

Then make sure the ''Do not save encrypted pages to disk" box is checked


2nd Nov 2005, 13:06
Hew Jaz,

Thats exactly the same thing as me. I think I dowloaded updates recently as well.

Hew Jaz
2nd Nov 2005, 14:09

A short while ago, I tried the suggestion by low'n'fast and, it seems to have worked..!!

I had previously uninstalled Adobe Reader 7 as it was causing problems.

So, I ticked the box as suggested, shut down pc totally (rather than restart), gave it a few minutes to calm down, and then restarted it.

I then installed Adobe Reader 7 (again) and it now seems to open some of the pdf files on the pc.

I've only tried opening a couple of pdf's, one of which was 160 pages long, which opened fine, and it also closed ok. And the pc continues as normal without cpu showing 100% useage.

Definitely worth a go.

Cheers low'n'fast :ok:


4th Nov 2005, 21:21
If I save the PDF file and then open it, it works fine. I've tried all the above but still nothin.

4th Nov 2005, 22:29
Did you change your browser to Firefox? I have problems with Firefox and pdf files. What I do is start Acrobat, let it run in the background and then download files.

7th Nov 2005, 10:09
There was a problem with version 7 and IE that meant it would not open up a pdf file in a browser window if you just clicked the link. If you right clicked anbd did "save target as" then the subsequent file would open ok.

This has now been fixed by version 7.0.5, available for download now.

If your version of Acrobat reader does not update automatically, start the program then do help/check for updates.

Hew Jaz
15th Dec 2005, 10:26
Although I subsequently experienced difficulties with .pdf files, I battled on as they no longer seemed to 'hang' the pc. While the cpu would show 100% useage, under windows task manager, I was able to end the process and carry on then - which I previously hadn't been able to do.

On another thread (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=202129) similar problems have been reported.

The suggestion by ExGrunt here (http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/329444.html) links to a solution on the Adobe site.

Once I deleted the temp files, my .pdf's seem to be opening again without causing the cpu to go to 100%. I was quite amazed at the number of temp files it deleted - seemed to take over a minute to delete them..!!

Worth a try.

(Thought I'd mention it here for those who may not have seen the newer thread) :ok: