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View Full Version : Working in aviation industry, will this help in getting interviews?

What's a Girdler
31st Oct 2005, 15:00
Hi, can I have some experienced responses on this one

I work in aviation, NATS air traffic systems engineering to be precise at present and have done so for 5 years in varying roles including just taking on a senior role.

I was just wondering, when next year I complete CPL/ME/IR/MCC/JOC will this experience aid in finding interviews with airlines and could this give me the edge over someone who is not in the industry?

I look forward to your qualified responses.

31st Oct 2005, 17:25
I know aircraft engineers, airline ops staff, cabin crew and ATCOs who reckon their backgrounds helped them. On the other hand, I know dispatchers, baggage handlers and airline office staff who reckon that working in aviation did them no good at all.

Your background might give you a slight edge but I don't think it would be as relevant as the first group above. Then again, I don't know much about air traffic systems engineering.

31st Oct 2005, 19:13
Well it hasnt worked for me yet:(

Been a dispatcher/ops controller for close to 9 years, and have been looking for my first pilot job for the last 7 months.

No joy so far, but I will get something in the end!

Good luck to you .........;)

31st Oct 2005, 19:33
I certainly think it will not be a disadvantage. I work for a Dutch handler, and was asked extensively about that job during my interview.

And yes, I got the job.

Good luck.

Lord Daddy Flash
1st Nov 2005, 01:01
To be honest I think it will help, it shows a potential employer you're genuinely interested in the industry. But concentrate on becoming a pilot first!

I had a taste of cabin crew action for a UK long haul company before getting onto a cadet scheme and feel it definitely worked in my favor during selection.

All the best to you.


Pilot Pete
3rd Nov 2005, 11:33
Being in the job itself will not benefit you IMHO, over and above it says that you have an aviation background. What can make a difference is you and the opportunities that you get through working in the environment already.

You tend to find that the good networkers have put themselves about and made good contacts, often through determined effort to 'chance' meet pilot managers and the like. If you can hold a conversation with these guys, provide a good service (like Dispatcher or Fueller) and especially if you can go beyond to assist them, you will get noticed for the right reasons. Then you can build a working relationship up with them and mention that you are training/ have a licence etc and often they will assist you in return.

So it comes down to how you go about making the most of your current position in aviation, not the fact that you just happen to be in aviation.

Good luck.


Edited to add; I have a good mate who worked on the ramp and did just this. His working relationship started by accidently snapping a DME aerial off the underside of an aircraft and being honest enough to go straight up to the flightdeck to report it. He was obviously very apologetic, and was noted for his honesty and integrity and 6 years later was recognised at the BALPA Job Opportunities Conference by the said same Captain who took his CV and gave him a business card..... He awaits his chance with anticipation!