View Full Version : Secondary "Y" axis in chart, within Microsoft Power Point 2003

got caught
31st Oct 2005, 13:22
I'm trying to place a bar chart in "Microsoft Powerpoint".

I'm trying to demonstrate the activity of my colleagues, (which ranges from 500 to 1200 episodes). I'm then trying to demonstrate the number of times the colleagues refer to a secondary agency. (Ranges from 0 - 12)

I need a secondary y-axis to demonstrate this, but, despite following the online "help " menu, I'm unable to generate one. I'm highlighting the data set, and selecting the "format" drop down menu, but the desired selection is unavailable.

Any idea's , thanks .

1st Nov 2005, 19:39
got caught

Unfortunately, Powerpoint is not the best tool, nor is Excel as Excel will not always let you use a secondary axis for what you want to do. However, I would generate your graph i Excel, then paste it into Powerpoint as a Metafile.

In this case I would suggest you do the following: -

In worksheet, place data as

Column A = Name of person i.e. A, B, C etc
Column B = Range of Episodes i.e. 500, 750, 1200 etc
Column C = agency i.e 3, 5, 7 etc

Then highlight the three columsn containing the data and open the chart wizard.

Select Column Chart and choose the 3D Chart option (The only option in the bottom line)

This will then allow you to plot Columns B & C separately against the names in Columns A. You can then place data labels on the low value items.

Alternatively, use a basic "Clustered Column" bar chart and alter the ovelap values (right click>format data sseries and go to Options tab) to get something that works - I managed to get sammler values on a secondary y-axis in fromt of the bigger 00's values OK.
