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View Full Version : how to get his money back from selection fee!

29th Oct 2005, 21:51
Probably, I will have an interview but I have to pay for it.
in case i am not selected, I would like to know what are my chance to "stick them in the butt" with an attorney for escroquerie.

for what I know, it is illegal to charge money for an interview, selection process is an interview.
asking money to send a cv, is illegal too.

29th Oct 2005, 22:12
You have an admirable fascination for Freuds 2nd (or should that be 2eme) stage of psychosexual development Mr. 'Rider. However, the chances of your interviewer being of a like mind, and prepared to let you "stick them in the butt" are remote - even if your attorney is very cute and you both promise him a reachround.

30th Oct 2005, 23:03
I would also kiss your chances of getting a pilot gob with any airline goodbye if you try and sue the company!!!:ugh: