View Full Version : B744 Simulator for laptop?

26th Oct 2005, 00:54
Is the B744 Precision Simulator v1.3 produced by Aerosoft the best sim software available. I'm intending to install on a powerful widescreen (PC) laptop. Looks like the price is a little under US$300. My company has very limited training support for us outside the training centre so I'm looking for something realistic enough to brush up on checks for (not so much stick and rudder skills but procedures and systems knowledge). Thanks in advance. PG

Dave Martin
26th Oct 2005, 09:20
I'm unsure of the software you mention, but there is an add-on for FS2004 made by Precision Manuals Development Group.


Supposedly the best representation of a 747-400 outside of a full-motion simulator. Standard disclaimer applies on my part though; I really have no idea how honestly it recreates 744 procedures and systems.

26th Oct 2005, 09:37
Hey thanks for that Dave....anyone care to comment on which is the better/more suitable product? There's quite a price difference with the former being almost $300 and the latter about $60...

Cornish Jack
26th Oct 2005, 17:42
It depends on your requirements. PS1.3 is a remarkable program which replicates the 44 systems with great fidelity. It has the capability to accept user programming input and there is a wealth of info, technical and otherwise, on the Aerowinx web-site.
However, there are areas of operation which are not 'as per' the real thing. These are not hugely significant for straightforward sector operations - you can fly worldwide routes in almost any airline config with appropriate power plant set-ups. The caveat really applies to such things as 'what-ifs' The indications/reactions to certain FMC/ technical inputs/events should not be taken as guaranteed parallels of what happens in the big beast itself.
Overall, however, it's a super set of software.

26th Oct 2005, 22:58
OK I see...my requirement I guess is to come up with a method of preparing for 6 monthly sim checks that is better than sitting in front of posters and the flight handbooks/FOM etc but not nearly as expensive as going and paying for sim time...Therefore I'm thinking that spending the extra dosh might be worth it. Would u agree? Cheers

Cornish Jack
28th Oct 2005, 08:51
Certainly it's a cheaper alternative than a full blown sim!! Colleagues in my previous working life have used it as you suggest. There is, however, the caveat that there are minor discrepancies between the (for instance) fuel system synoptics and the real thing - not major but such that you cannot say that the indication you see in PS1.3 is what you would see in the same circumstances in the aircraft. To balance the equation, I should perhaps point out that, I was sufficiently impressed to buy my own copy for home use.:ok: