View Full Version : In the company of heroes

25th Oct 2005, 23:26
I had the privilege of spending Sunday (23/10/2005) at Brooklands Museum with some wonderful gentlemen who flew during the Burma campaign. Listening to their experiences was a very interesting and humbling experience.

The event was organised by the Hawker Hurricane Society, who do some sterling work to bring these guys together and ensure that their service is remembered.

The pilots present on Sunday were:

F/LT. Reg Skofield 28 Sqd. (Hurricane Pilot)
F/LT. Tom Adams 28 Sqd. (Hurricane Pilot)
W/O. Ken Gilbert 113 Sqd. (Hurricane Pilot)
F/O. Graham Skellam 113 Sqd. (Hurricane Pilot)
S/LDR. Owen Parry 11 Sqd. (Hurricane Pilot)
F/LT. Ray Jackson 34 Sqd. (Hurricane Pilot)
F/LT. Ray North 353 Sqd. (Dakota Pilot)

Here are a few photos:


This was my first Hurricane Society event, but I can guarantee that it won't be my last. These people deserve our support.

The next Society event will be the AGM at Brooklands on the 6th November 2005. This event coincides with the 70th anniversary of the first flight of the Hawker Hurricane and there will be a signing event in the morning. The Society is aiming to have at least one Veteran from each of the major campaigns where the Hurricane took part (Battle of France, Battle of Britain, Malta, Desert and Burma). To date there have been confirmations from 4 Burma Pilots, 2 Battle of France Pilots and 2 Battle of Britain Pilots. Please support this event if you can make it over to Brooklands.

Hawker Hurricane Society Webpage http://www.battle-of-britain.com/BoB2/HurricaneSociety/hurricanesociety.htm
