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View Full Version : day VFR only for permits to be reviewed

25th Oct 2005, 15:57
Don't hold your breath.....but I understand the CAA is preparing a paper for internal consideration. With the grant to get a Vulcan airworthy once more, and with the Buccaneer nearing an airworthy state, the prospect of these aircraft going through uncontrolled airspace, mixing it with the PA-28s and C152s, might trouble the more safety conscious amongst you.

Such a paper has been considered before - and there were several questions left unanswered. For example, how could ex-military aircraft operating in IMC receiving a Radar Control Service avoid being vectored over built up areas? For IFR ops, how could the CAA obtain sufficient information about the structure of these aircraft to be comfortable that they met equivalent standards required for the granting of a CofA?

PM me for more details, and names of people at the CAA to contact if you want to have your tuppence worth to be considered in the debate. The CAA view expressed to me was that one size might well fit all. If they allow limited IFR ops for these aircraft, then they may consider it for all such ex-military aircraft (with sufficient instrumentation etc.......)

The main benefit seems that the CAA may finally approve climbing and decending through cloud so that "VFR on top" ops are allowed.

And here's a separate thought - anyone up for forming some kind of body to represent the interests of ex-military jet operators? As the recent MPD consultation re calender life limits on turbine engines has shown, we might benefit from such cohesion. Our interests are generally aligned.

Genghis the Engineer
25th Oct 2005, 19:35
We were talking about this over 2 years ago. CAA agreed within PRAG (Permit Review Action Group) in principle that IMC in warbirds was not only permissible, but offered major safety benefits.

My recollection is that the general view was that the primary flight and nav instruments were to be certified, the pilot had to have done an IMC renewal on type in the last 2 years, plus some enhanced maintenance requirements. The warbird community was represented on that committee by a certain JR, chief engineer of a well known company at Duxford - if you speak to him he should give you the latest. This was also being aligned with some similar requests for IMC use of the higher performance PFA aircraft.

If you want more gen, PM me (if I take a while to respond, nothing personal, just away a lot the next few weeks).


26th Oct 2005, 08:21
"the prospect of these aircraft going through uncontrolled airspace, mixing it with the PA-28s and C152s, might trouble the more safety conscious amongst you."

Didn't they do this all the time in service!

Many was the time I was flying my Cherrytree around the Highlands and met Buccs coming the other way!

26th Oct 2005, 09:43
But how will the (somewhat ludicrous) Permit restriction of not overflying built-up areas at any height be achieved if you cannot see the ground?

27th Oct 2005, 16:51
Beags, heard of GPS ?

D-check PM`s....

27th Oct 2005, 18:11
thanks Sycamore
