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View Full Version : Boeing 737 Crashes

24th Oct 2005, 17:42
I'm involved in Military Aviation and spend a lot of time leapfrogging around on Civair, mainly the 737. Yet another one has crashed this week and it appears to be a fairly frequent event. Do I need to be worried or am I just getting paranoid thanks to good old UK media?

24th Oct 2005, 18:50
I wouldn't worry if I were you.

Think of all the hours flown by 737s every day and the accident rate is very small - I don't have any figures but it is pretty obvious as the 737 is such a prolific aircraft. Take into account the operators and other factors such as weather etc and tech losses become even rarer.

If our media had their own way, their aim would be to have us all lock ourselves up in the safety of our houses (ooops that is a dangerous place to be aswell) and not lead normal lives. The media, especially those to$$ers in the UK, are scaremongers and only dwell on other peoples misfortunes. Enjoy life , fly, fly and fly some more. It is safer than driving and walking - you are a long time dead, don't let our media ruin the time you have on this planet !

Mercenary Pilot
24th Oct 2005, 18:57
Is the 737 safe? (http://www.b737.org.uk/isthe737safe.htm)

24th Oct 2005, 19:22
...and in http://www.boeing.com/news/techissues/pdf/statsum.pdf

(p. 15/16) you find the numbers in relation with # of flights (departures)

24th Oct 2005, 19:45
As I thought, many thanks.

25th Oct 2005, 12:04
The 737 will certainly have more accidents on record, simply because it's the most-produced airline in history.

Not counting the military C-47 & C-53 & R4D, the DC-3 had about 800 commercial orders prior to Pearl Harbor. The first airliner to surpass this figure was the 727, then the DC-9/MD-80, and now the 737.