View Full Version : Wonderboom Airshow naughtiness

22nd Oct 2005, 17:00
Been a while, okes! Hope you're all well. I bagged the below from African Pilot.

"Crowd control was good with very few infringements and access control was easy, mainly as a result of the poor attendance at the event. However, security was not up to scratch, with ...two golf carts being used and abused"

Gotta love that last bit


The smoking of cigarettes was a problem, as offenders were often seen lighting up under the wings of parked aircraft, often in sheer ignorance. In spite of repeated announcements from the public address system, the problem continued throughout the event. On occasion it was pointed out that the EAA and Wonderboom Airport management had not provided for clearly displayed ‘NO SMOKING’ signage. A particular aviation magazine editor was seen smoking under the wing of the Aero Comp, and when challenged by a well known display pilot who indicated that ‘he should know better and set an example’, he became abusive towards this pilot.


Doesn't change!