View Full Version : How do you get a Permit to work as a helicopter pilot in America?

20th Oct 2005, 17:47
Platinumpure said on another thread
If you can't get a job in the US there is something wrong with you.

How dd you get to work in the US (assuming you are not an American citizen)?

I believe the Green Card scheme is closed to British Nationals now, and the operators I spoke to (who were kind enough to even bother replying) said they don't do immigration sponsorships. Is marriage to a local the only way through?


21st Oct 2005, 07:20

I'm interested too in how you got your work permit.

The school I was flying at in US afterwards started discussing the possibility of a job with them, but when I mentioned they need to a get a visa/work permit for me they went as cold as yesterdays dinner.

Letsby Avenue
21st Oct 2005, 09:17
You can try the diversity lottery program if you were born abroad or you or your wife are from Northern Ireland. (or Eire)


Or you can marry a US national and emigrate properly.

Or you can get a sponsorship (99.9% unlikely)

Or you can join the queue and try your luck over the Rio Grande at around 0230hrs

Other than that - Forget it:(

Nigerian Expat Outlaw
21st Oct 2005, 09:32
All true, however if you are a professional of the type they need (helicopter pilots are not unfortunately), such as nurse/doctor/surgeon, it is made very easy.


21st Oct 2005, 12:47
Very , very difficult to do these days , it was hard enough to do before 9/11 let alone now. Letsbe is on the money with his reply but the marriage route is not so simple as all sorts of proof and checks are now required ( joint bank accounts , rent contracts etc. ) Even if you went in as a wetback you still have to prove eligibility to work. Being a pilot is even worse considering the twin towers/aircraft connection - lets say they are somewhat jumpy about foreign pilots.
Lots of work in the US though , so I wish you luck - I think you'll need it.

21st Oct 2005, 13:14
Marriage route; you mean marry an American. Thats a bridge to far :D

21st Oct 2005, 13:55
Ah come on now..there's plenty of New Orleans Evacuee's that would take you on as a free meal ticket....make it a marriage of convenience. It would be better than the welfare route and they would not have to go all the way to the mailbox for the check....

B Sousa
21st Oct 2005, 14:08
Marriage route; you mean marry an American. Thats a bridge to far
Come on We have more than our fair share of Ugly Fat Chicks who would love to wallow in a Mobile home with a struggling Helicopter Pilot. After a couple of years and a green card, just divorce her. All you will lose is the mobile home........
Had a flight through the southland this week and all the hotels seem to be filled with homeless trash that didnt have homes to start with. The Government is going to screw us big time to pay for this mess.
Hey Ten Million Mexicans cant be wrong, just walk across the border. Worse thing they will do is send you home..............free
This town(Vegas) is full of them, working, enjoying free medical benefits and all the things that go with corrupt government. Pick yourself a name, go to one of those new Print shops, and within minutes you have all the paperwork you need. You can even make your new logbook happy with as much flight time as you need.
Those that get in here"legally" seem to be those that have nothing, no education, no smarts and a shopping list of other useless relatives who will spend the rest of their lives on the public tit. It seems that if your a White Anglo type with an education and something to make you self sufficient, YOUR NOT WANTED.
Its time for sleeping Amerika to Wake the :mad: up.

21st Oct 2005, 14:30
It is very hard to do, aswell as very time consuming.

I had a sponsor for an H1-B1 visa, which would have allowed me to work legally for up to 6 years.

We hired an attorney to do all the paperwork. We didn't try and go through the pilot route, that was secondary.
We applied in April, but were told that all the H1's had been taken, so we should apply again in October, for the following April. If we were successful, then the visa would be issued the following October. They only issue 65,000 visas.

In the meanwhile we applied for a 'B' visa, which allowed me to work in the US for a set amount of time, but I had to be paid in the UK.

All in all it was a very frustrating thing to try and do.

The only up shot was that while over here I met a great woman (not like the ones that Mr. Sousa describes!). We took the plunge and spent a heap of cash on more paperwork, which we are still waiting to be completed.
I have to say that what Mr. Sousa desribes is very true. It would have been easier for me to go to Mexico and walk over! Heck they would even have given me a free driving licence.

21st Oct 2005, 14:43
Pre 9/11 you could go to this Street corner in West Hollywood, Pay your $60 and 1 hour later come away with a green card and a S/S number!!
Every European Flight Instructor working in LA had one...

21st Oct 2005, 14:44

In the UK papers the other day...gal from Jamaica showed up...claimed asylum...entered UK Govt paid nursing school...graduated three years later...got a job...the employer sponsored her for a work permit....WHAM! Arrested and now faces deportation after her asylum request was turned down. She is a hard worker, well respected, teaches in her Church Sunday School, wants to continue working in the UK which has a shortage of nurses....and received the government paid nurse's training but .....the UK guvmint says she goes!

Go Figger!:{


This is the very same guvmint that will not deport Muslim Fundamentalists who openly advocate and endorse the destruction of the very society that grants them the freedom to do so.

What am I missing here?

21st Oct 2005, 14:44
Those that get in here"legally" seem to be those that have nothing, no education, no smarts and a shopping list of other useless relatives who will spend the rest of their lives on the public tit.

Ain't that the truth. It's the same in UK. I left that crap pit back in 2000. Still go back the odd weekend man it changed :(

I'm taking the Canadian route started Jan 05 they reckon could take up to 2 years :{

21st Oct 2005, 14:49
er..looks like the fat chick option for you then Si - that plum accent of yours will have you fighting them off with a ****ty stick !:rolleyes:

B Sousa
21st Oct 2005, 14:54
I taking the Canadian route started Jan 05 they reckon could take up to 2 years

Canada also has some Major Political problems. As I understand the health care system is free, but unusable.
Having said that they also have:
1. Some of the best scenery in the world.
2. Great Beer.
3. Even better Hockey
And the pastries shops in Montreal are to die for..........

21st Oct 2005, 15:11
Canada also has some Major Political problems.

And what country doesn't . Certainly not the UK or US

As I understand the health care system is free, but unusable.

Same as the UK :D

21st Oct 2005, 16:11
B. Sousa said: "...all the hotels seem to be filled with homeless trash..........It seems that if your a White Anglo type with an education and something to make you self sufficient, YOUR NOT WANTED.
Its time for sleeping Amerika to Wake the :mad: up."

B. Sousa's thoughts sound even better in their original German. I hope those new jackboots fit nicely, B, do they go well with your armband? Your ignorant English shows that you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're," probably because the Bund comic books spell it wrong, too.

Letsby Avenue
21st Oct 2005, 16:24
ooooooooohhhh!.... Get you......:}

21st Oct 2005, 16:50
A fellow that I know is in the two-legged export business -- detention and export officer for ICE (nee INS). It is my understanding that the Boston office of ICE (covers Boston and eastern Massachusetts) has a quota of deporting about 5000 people per year. With hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Massachusetts, you can guess just how soon we'll have a handle on this problem. The only people deported from Massachusetts are those who have committed felonies.

To top it off, local and state police officers are not allowed to detain perpetrators believed to be illegal immigrants. Only the feds can do that. Heck, even detention export officers can't detain persons believed to be here illegally (only certain ICE officers and Border Patrol can do that).

Our immigration/border control system is completely messed up.

Please don't misunderstand me; I don't have anything against immigrants. All four of my grandparents immigrated legally from the USSR. It's the illegal part that I've got a problem with.

21st Oct 2005, 17:51
So whats the real story on the Pilot job market in the States? Is there a shortage of experienced guys? There seems to be a lot of EMS positions advertised. Is there not enough locals to fill the slots?

B Sousa
21st Oct 2005, 18:52
B. Sousa's thoughts sound even better in their original German. I hope those new jackboots fit nicely, B, do they go well with your armband? Your ignorant English shows that you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're," probably because the Bund comic books spell it wrong, too.

Aha....A raw nerve........One who has not been there but is so easy to be critical..... As in the Just Helos forum when unable to find a sound response, it becomes the Grammer Police........
Im sure also one who is so willing to tell me what I should support.........his belief, yet its my money........

I will say it again. In Mobile Alabama our whole (or is that hole) crew (four helicopters)had to pay top dollar to stay in a sleezy dive with the assorted trash, because our government in its quest to be the kind and compassionate government is now housing anybody who comes forth to say they are "victims" of Katrina. You think these slugs would be out looking for a job.....Not on your life, they are about the 15th generation now living on the tit. Maybe even more with a new generation every 10 years.

So RJ........You pay the Bill or better yet, move a few in your spare trailer.....For those many folks who were deserving of assistance and now cannot (or is that Can't) get it. Theres about 200,000 reasons why..
Get the spell check warmed up, theres a couple in there for you.
Bottom line....GFY

21st Oct 2005, 18:53
I have a few of friends who have decided to move to the US (legally) and the easiest way has been to invest more than 50k in a business, and that will get you a Green Card for you and your family. I have a friend who just moved by opening a bakery called "The Bread Boutique", in a year the bakery has paid itself off, pays all its bills and leaves more than 8K a month in net profit. (Its located in a fancy neighborhood)

I went to visit him and we had so much fun making large proportioned playmate baguettes!

The US is the land of opportunity for those who have the willingness and intelligence to setup a business and have the determination to work hard and make it succeed.

21st Oct 2005, 19:43
B. Bousa said, ".....assorted trash.....slugs.....15th generation now living on the tit....."


B Sousa
21st Oct 2005, 19:56
The US is the land of opportunity for those who have the willingness and intelligence to setup a business and have the determination to work hard and make it succeed.

Apparently RJ Squirell didnt read this.........

21st Oct 2005, 21:51
My Grandfather wept when he saw these words on the Statue of Liberty. When you say "trash" in reference to another human being, it makes my skin crawl. You are a bigot, B. Sousa.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore;
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

- Emma Lazarus
Written at the base of the Statue of Liberty, Gateway to my country, not B. Sousa's

B Sousa
21st Oct 2005, 23:11
My Grandfather wept when he saw these words on the Statue of Liberty. When you say "trash" in reference to another human being, it makes my skin crawl. You are a bigot, B. Sousa.

Its so nice to be liked........Point being you still were not there and have no clue whats going on. Dont drape yourself in the flag so easy. I did my time for it and have my opinion of what it cost me. That gives me the right to support who I think deserve it. I just prefer you be the one to support your brother "trash". I will support those who need help based on the fact they for some reason cannot help themselves, NOT because We owe it to them for sitting on their 15th generation dead ass.
You are a moron, so now we both agree, lets move on.....
Anybody else want a piece............or can we get back to the topic thread.........

21st Oct 2005, 23:36
Bert dear boy,

One should not rise to the bait quite so easily. RJ...back off a bit.

The Mayor of New Orleans quite recently (along with the Reverend Jesse "Shoulda used a condom" Jackson) have decried the sudden influx of Hispanics into New Orleans. His Nibs has gone public saying the newcomers (beating the old bunch back to town) are taking away reconstruction jobs that should rightfully go to the old bunch. (Some of which are the "homeless" Bert refers to....) His Nibs did not explain why the furriners beat the Home Boys back to their Hoods but did suggest the furriners were living three families to a house and stealing jobs by doing so.

Now as an outsider to this....and having been involved in getting the fish market off the main street after one of these hurricane things.....it would seem the American way that the job goes to the first qualified applicant that shows up ready and willing to work. I wonder if living in a motel at taxpayer expense is as big a motivator as wanting to save yer money and buy a home and get a piece of the American Dream?

Seems to me....we pushed the floatsam from in front of the door, got out the shovels, rakes, brooms, and chainsaws and got back to living. Wonder what is keeping the Homey's from doing that?

21st Oct 2005, 23:59
I agree with blender, the only way, apart from marriage, is invest 50k in a business, which can't be just owning land.
when you consider our countries histories, its amazing, to think we are not more, hospitalable, I'd like, as I'm sure 100's more would, to retire to the US, buy a huge house, US car, move my money to a US bank, and pay my own way, ie health care.
In other words 1 way traffic, however the US Gov, say's NO
strange isn't it

B Sousa
22nd Oct 2005, 01:09
, I'd like, as I'm sure 100's more would, to retire to the US, buy a huge house, US car, move my money to a US bank, and pay my own way, ie health care.

You have my vote, come on over. Im sure I will be able to pick you out of todays crowd.......
The reason you may not be welcome is that you probably (if you had the ability) not vote for the cradle to the grave Government we are getting in place.
RJS and friends would have to work for a living...
Blender was close as many of those "legal migrants" that I know work some dam long days to put their kids through college etc...Much longer than I would care for.

See Sasless, maybe we both have too much Huey time.

Attn: Grammer Police...Go for it.

22nd Oct 2005, 07:59
The bell has rung, would the 2 gentleman retire to their respective corners please...

As per my previous question, would the US guys be able to tell me what the job situation is at the moment? Is there a shortage of experienced pilots in the US? I am not looking for a job, just curious. Although I would like to have a look up Alaska way in the future.

Cheers BigMike

22nd Oct 2005, 09:01
Yeah, but the Brits will not scrub floors for $5 an hour ! I guess this is the problem.

Nigerian Expat Outlaw
22nd Oct 2005, 11:03

Is that 50k US$ or £ ?



22nd Oct 2005, 11:33

Unfortunately, citizens of the United Kingdom are not eligible to enter the Green Card Lottery.

The Green Card Lottery, officially called Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, is an official U.S. government lottery for people who come from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.

The United Kingdom (and its dependent territories) has received over 50,000 Green Cards in the past 5 years, therefore citizens of the United Kingdom are excluded from the Green Card Lottery.


B Sousa
22nd Oct 2005, 13:21
US guys be able to tell me what the job situation is at the moment? Is there a shortage of experienced pilots in the US?
Job ads seem rather thin right now.
Tour season is slow and Alaska won't be gearing up for next year until about Jan/Feb. All those seasonal fire contracts are almost over so there is an abundance of folks who may be looking to fill some part time gigs.
EMS on the other hand is always looking for pilots. New jobs etc and many unsatisfied folks who keep moving around.
I guess it depends on what is your area of experience. Remember a few of these U.S. companies also work outside the country in which case jobs are available. I have a few friends (yes RJ, I do) who are working for the Oil folks in mid Africa. Pay seems to be good, living conditions seem to suck. Try searching the African Aviation forum.
Good Luck

22nd Oct 2005, 13:49
Thanks. Nope, not looking for a job, but there seemed to be a LOT of EMS jobs advertised in recent times. So this is just due to a very high turn-over?

22nd Oct 2005, 14:00
Turnover...poor pay...bad working conditions...less than enlightened management at the local hospitals...and within some of the operators.

The stress of flying at night in marginal weather conditions with less than adequate weather reporting and lots of wires and rocks to run into....adds to the problem. Compound that with some of the new cars today costing almost the same as your annual income....and trying to raise a family on yer wages....well guess there might be stress there. Add in the fact that all it takes is a squawk by a Medical Crew and you are out of that job like a cork from a shook bottle of hot champagne and you can see why there are lots of job ads.

It takes a special kind of pilot to fly EMS....what should be a really enjoyable job can oft times be anything but that.

B Sousa
22nd Oct 2005, 14:14
less than enlightened management at the local hospitals

This could be translated to "The Nurse in the back (thinks she)knows more than the Pilot, therefore get another Pilot"
Nurse works for the Hospital, Pilot is a contract.......See ya.....

EMS guys?? Any comments??

22nd Oct 2005, 15:09
Hi Guys,

I married an American girl thats how I got here. Its not really that hard to find a decent looking girl in America. I was originally on a M1 Visa and it was time to go home. She didn't want me to go, so we got married. Been happy ever since. Bearing in mind that mine isn't a fat trailer heffer.

The 50grand way seems a bit expensive. You could also loss all that money in that buisness. Even if a marriage doesn't work out, I doubt it would cost you 50 K. Still if your an ugly and boring that may be your only option. hahaha.

As for the job situation. Alaska's season is coming to an end as is fire season, so jobs up there are limited at the moment. Wait till Summer and you can get a job in Alaska flying tours. If you have more than 1000 hours Temsco will probably hire you. You won't make **** but you'll fly in Alaska. As far as the rest of the states, EMS, offshore etc are always hiring and short of pilots, really short. Not just of experienced guys but of everyone. Its not a case of will you get a job, its more who do you want to work for.

Here Sousa, I stay in New Orleans and have been out of the house until last week. My house was fine I just wasn't allowed back into the city. I wanted to be back home but wasn't allowed by the Government, even though my house and area where fine. Therefore I was forced to keep my wife in a motel while I was at work and you better believe that I am not paying for that.

B Sousa
22nd Oct 2005, 15:29
Here Sousa, I stay in New Orleans and have been out of the house until last week. My house was fine I just wasn't allowed back into the city. I wanted to be back home but wasn't allowed by the Government, even though my house and area where fine. Therefore I was forced to keep my wife in a motel while I was at work and you better believe that I am not paying for that.

Lets not go there again........I worked in Slidell right after the storm, and in fact was flying there again last week. I think I saw as much of the damage as anyone. Let us say the other guy didnt mention in total what I said. YES there were those deserving help, BUT there were many more that wont get off their collective butts thus making it difficult for deserving folks to get the necessary help....
You may be a lucky one to find that that house of yours may be fine and only burglarized by a few when you get back. Hope it works out OK for you.

22nd Oct 2005, 16:03
So now the Medical team is second guessing the pilot? Oh boy, that has to be fun. Maybe they should hire Nurses to do the flying if thats the case...
Does this mean the pilot can give an opinion on the condition of the patient?

I understand all the adds now... "you got that number for the truck driving school? I think I might need it..."

B Sousa
22nd Oct 2005, 17:28
So now the Medical team is second guessing the pilot? Oh boy, that has to be fun. Maybe they should hire Nurses to do the flying if thats the case...

This has been brought up many times and it does weigh heavy on EMS Pilots. They have a huge load. First flying the aircraft , many times in the night to some very dangerous places, add the pressure that if they dont go that someone may perish, then throw in the politics. None of these do well for the accident rate in EMS. The latest one to typify this example is posted here.

Letsby Avenue
22nd Oct 2005, 19:29
Not strictly true Velboy - As I have already stated: it isn't citizens of the UK that cannot apply but citizens of GB - If you or your wife hail from NI then you can apply...

Incidently - your link is a scam, the correct site is http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1322.html

The DVP is free.

23rd Oct 2005, 12:46
er..looks like the fat chick option for you then Si - that plum accent of yours will have you fighting them off with a ****ty stick !

Thanks TFS, but I doubt I could support a fat chick on that $20 per hour instructor pay. I think the smart option is to look for a bulemic anorexic. Could be a bit harder though...


23rd Oct 2005, 14:38
Well Si, you know where you wanna be, you have to make some sacrifices mate !


24th Oct 2005, 08:12
Letsby Avenue

Not strictly true Velboy - As I have already stated: it isn't citizens of the UK that cannot apply but citizens of GB - If you or your wife hail from NI then you can apply...

I know that it was stated on the website. If your a GB citizen and you have not married a foreigner then it tough luck

It might be a different website (first one that came up in browser) but the information is correct.

24th Oct 2005, 12:01

One must think the situation through.....Fat Chicks are okay....what you lose on the food bill is offset by the fact you have no entertainment expenses to speak of. Certainly, you will not be taking her out often and a night in front of the TV with a six pack of beer and a large bag of Crisps should keep her entertained.

Remember, fat girls will appreciate what you are doing for them and wash your clothes for you as well as do the cooking.

Don't discount your options prematurely.

24th Oct 2005, 12:20
There are basically NINE ways that you can get a visa to live and work in the US:
(1) Marriage (or engagement in anticipation of marriage) to a US citizen.

(2) You have skills that are in short supply in the US e.g. scientific or medical training. A degree is normally a must. Or you have superior specialist skills with at least 12 years experience.

(3) You have an Employer who is willing to transfer you - but even the employer has to make a good case for you - so you have to be a manager unless you fall under category (2) above.

(4) You may get a Green card in the diversity lottery (UK citizens, except N.Ireland, are not generally eligible unless you, your spouse or parents were born abroad or held a different citizenship.

(5)You own or buy business (does not get you permanent resident status i.e. no green card)You must be a national of a qualifying Treaty countries
The business must have a minimum value of around $150k (more the better) bearing in mind you will need somewhere to live and with any startup business you will need at least 2 years living money as back up. So a figure of $350k would be a nearer minimum

(6)You are an "investor" i.e. you have at least US $1m in assets to bring with you. half of that in a few areas. And your background will be investigated to the hilt.

(7)You have a close relative (mother, father, brother, sister and no further) who is an US citizen who would sponsor you, approx time this take 2-12 years…

(8.The R1 visa is available to foreign members of religious denominations, having bona fide non-profit religious organizations in the U.S., for entering the U.S. to carry on the activities of a minister or religious worker as a profession, occupation or vocation

(9)THE UNUSUAL You are in a position to claim refugee status/political asylum. or You get a member of Congress to sponsor a private bill with legislation that applies just to you.
The S visa issued to persons who assist US law enforcement to investigate and prosecute crimes and terrorist activities such as money laundering and organized crime

Recruitment agent will not take you seriously if you are not already in the US. Writing for jobs is really a waste of time; likewise US employers have no idea what foreign qualification are or mean (except Degrees) it may pay you to get your qualification translated into a US equivalent, there are Companies that do this ..
But if you are getting a visa under (2) above then you need a job offer before you can get the visa. Your Employer will be your sponsor this will cost them upward of $5k. So you can see you have to be offering something really special to get considered They may also have to prove to the Dept of labor that there is no American who can do the job if the position is to be permanent
© Originator.. Pulaski

24th Oct 2005, 13:10
You missed out number 10

Hop the fence down Mexico way :ok:

24th Oct 2005, 17:41
24 October 2005

The US government would issue 30,000 more H-1B visas to high-tech and other skilled foreign workers each year and increase fees for those visas under a measure proposed by a Senate committee.

The move by the Senate Judiciary Committee comes as high-tech firms and other businesses complain that, for the third year in a row, they have already met the annual cap on the popular H1-B visas just 20 days into the government's 2005-06 fiscal year that began Oct. 1.

"Without access to today's most creative minds worldwide, American businesses will be forced to seek out other business opportunities in other parts of the world," Rhett Dawson, president of the Information Technology Industry Council, wrote to the Senate Judiciary Committee this month.

Congress capped H-1B visas at 65,000 per year in 2004.

Critics contend the visas give foreigners high-level jobs that should go to American workers. But increasing their number and the fees for them enabled the Judiciary Committee's proposal to reach savings of $300 million over five years mandated by this year's budget agreement.

"In many cases we need these workers," said committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa.

Specter wanted to allow 60,000 more visas per year and raise the current fee of $3,185 for a six-year visa by $500. The fees are paid by employers.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and others opposed adding so many more visas. "What I don't want to see is Americans lose jobs," Feinstein said.

The committee approved a Feinstein amendment allowing 30,000 more H-1B visas per year, and increasing fees by $500. Feinstein's amendment would also increase fees on another kind of visa, the L-1, which companies use to transfer workers they already employ in foreign countries to the United States. The fee on L-1 visas, now $685, would rise by $750.

Total savings from the plan were still being calculated but aides said it should top $110 million per year.

House Judiciary Committee has proposed increasing fees on L-1 visas by $1,500 — and making no change to H-1B visas — to reach its budget goal. Differences between House and Senate versions still have to be resolved

B Sousa
24th Oct 2005, 18:08
Problem with folks like Feinstein is that she thinks Lawn Care is a skilled profession..........

24th Oct 2005, 23:40
In reference to your question....our company would like to expand but estimates being 120 pilots short.

As per my previous question, would the US guys be able to tell me what the job situation is at the moment? Is there a shortage of experienced pilots in the US? I am not looking for a job, just curious. Although I would like to have a look up Alaska way in the future.

B Sousa
25th Oct 2005, 00:39
As per a previous answer.

"Job ads seem rather thin right now.
Tour season is slow and Alaska won't be gearing up for next year until about Jan/Feb. All those seasonal fire contracts are almost over so there is an abundance of folks who may be looking to fill some part time gigs.
EMS on the other hand is always looking for pilots. New jobs etc and many unsatisfied folks who keep moving around.
I guess it depends on what is your area of experience. Remember a few of these U.S. companies also work outside the country in which case jobs are available. I have a few friends (yes RJ, I do) who are working for the Oil folks in mid Africa. Pay seems to be good, living conditions seem to suck. Try searching the African Aviation forum."

Good Luck

Its Slow, take your time....

25th Oct 2005, 03:09
You poms are nuts.
Who wants to go to that place anyway?
Obviously you have not tried to cross the border lately!!

...thou a few good blokes live there eh Bert!

25th Oct 2005, 03:11
Here is some information about jobs. There are 25,000 helicopter pilots in the USA today. 20,000 are commercial pilots. 5,000 to 10,000 of them are Vietnam era pilots and will be retiring in 1-5 years. The future is very rosy for helicopter pilots. There is a few things to consider. You will need around 1,000+ hours and an instrument rating for lots of them. The companies in the Gulf of Mexico are desperately short of pilots. There are not enough EMS pilots but you will need 2,000+ hours and you won't fly much. There is a shortage of instructors as most of them can't wait to move on and be ex-instructors.

A lot has been said about permanent residency in the USA. The marriage route is sadly about the only available one for Brits. Anything else is very difficult if not impossible.

Good luck,


25th Oct 2005, 03:38
I have an exgirlfriend (pretty good looking one, true Texan blonde) who is getting out of jail soon and she would probably be happy to marry ANYONE, details available upon request!! ;)

Nigerian Expat Outlaw
25th Oct 2005, 12:00
Just registered Mrs NEO for the diversity visa lottery thing. She promised she'd take me with her if she wins and I believe her............... Fingers crossed ?!!:uhoh:

25th Oct 2005, 19:09
The job market is real good if you have some experience, as there will alwys be a shortage of experienced guys . It doesnt matter if it is flying in the mtns, swinging bags, stacking drills, or flying IFR offshore. If you are good at what you do , can get along with other (80% of any flying job) you will never not have work ( or people pounding down the door).

A 1000hr guy w/ and IR will alwys be able to get employment in the GOM unless he cant do the 80% thing....

At the moment there is a bit of mineral and oil fever in North America. A guy who has astar time with proficent production and precision longline skills, is busier than he wants.

I really want to take some time off this winter, ski, ride my motorcycle to Mexico, travel, chase college girls, drink whiskey, but with the carrot of cash dangleing in out in front its proving difficult.

Yeah Steve76 right, you poms would be nuts to want to work down here. You would be much better to go hash it out in Canada with the job thieveing Kiwi's

Hey Blender, could I get my Mexican Citizenship out fo the deal! She wasnt in the pokey for axeing her ex was she?

B Sousa
26th Oct 2005, 16:07
could I get my Mexican Citizenship out fo the deal!

No Joke, You could do worse than Mexico. Blender can tell you. Once you get a bit south of the border towns there are some very nice and modern places and reasonable prices.
Plus they have some lovely Senoritas. in my case they are just Senior Eaters.

28th May 2008, 04:12
Does anyone know how hard it is to get sponsored to live and work in the USA.
Is there anyone sponsoring pilots in the USA.

28th May 2008, 08:42
Not what I wanted to hear.

28th May 2008, 14:40
That's GRAMMAR POLICE, buddy! := :}