View Full Version : Fatal accident Caribbean / luxury yacht operation

13th Feb 2000, 15:54
There was an article in yesterdays issue of the Daily Telegraph 12th Feb 2000 - ""Pilot dies in Caribbean crash". Apparently, a British pilot - Rob Edwards, 42, from
Sutton Coldfield, who was employed by an American millionaire to fly guests
and supplies to his yacht in the Caribbean, died when his h/c crashed into
the sea during a night flight off White Cay in the Turks and Caicos Islands
last weekend. Crew members from the yacht - MV Senses - launched a rescue
boat but were unable to save the pilot. Both the body and the wreckage have
been recovered. An investigation is under way."

I am very interested in aquiring as much information on this sad incident as possible.

If anyone is aware of any more details with regard to this would you please let me know.

14th Feb 2000, 03:13
Please see www.heliriviera.com (http://www.heliriviera.com) , Hel e-talk news, fatal accident 2nd reply for preliminary NTSB report.