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View Full Version : New Fitness Tests

Phoney Tony
17th Oct 2005, 19:49
I am reading with interest the list of new 'Fitness Tests' we are now going to have to pass. AFT & OFT. I suspect that the RAF Regt and PEd staff are devising these tests, judging by their content.

In a highly technical air force honed to deliver precision effects at a time and place of our chosing how about some other test of 'Fitness':

Annual spelling test for PTIs.
Annual sense of humour test for RAFP.
Annual hide and seek test for suppliers.

I am sure there are other ways in which we can waste taxpayer’s money.

17th Oct 2005, 19:53
how about corporate logoed rucksacks?
Aircraft carriers?

The list goes on........:{

Chicken Leg
17th Oct 2005, 19:59
I assume by the tone of your post that you object to the new tests. Are you objecting because you are unsure whether or not you can pass them?

Because, let's be honest, anybody who can't surpass those very low standards of physical fitness needs to think about their overall health and wonder how much longer they have in this world!

Fg Off Kite
17th Oct 2005, 20:18
Chicken Leg, you're missing the point completely.... most of us know we can pass those ludicrously simple tests. Just as we know we can read and write and ride a bike.

It's the sheer pettiness of the idea of continually wasting the time of an under-manned, over-stretched front line proving the obvious.

Why not target the 'tests' at those who, on the recommendation of the Medics (who aren’t being court martialled), are borderline.

Phoney Tony
17th Oct 2005, 20:21
I have passed all the 'Tests' and have a whole library of little booklets with stamps in them to prove it.

None of them make me more effective.

You are right the standards are low and the candidates for failure are obvious.

What are they trying to achieve?

Have you passed the sense of humour test?

The Swinging Monkey
17th Oct 2005, 20:57
Chicken Leg,
Unfortunately you are one of those people who completely miss the point of this posting.
No one is complaining that the tests are too difficult at all, or that they may not pass them.
What people are complaining about is that yet again, the Rocks, the PTIs and the 'Blunty' world in general are ruling the roost, and NO ONE at the top is prepared to call a halt to it.
Its utterly pathetic. Have the last half dozen fitness regimes all been a waste of time? Did they not work? If so, then the ar$eholes that were responsible for their introduction should be taken to task and put out to dry.

It is little wonder the service is going the way it is and why morale is at its lowest in living memory.


country calls
17th Oct 2005, 22:16
So is this actually a fitness test or a stealth resettlement course for Wimpeys? All that shovelling sand and lifting heavy weights? If they replace the latest issue coat with a donkey jacket I for one will be annoyed.

So is this farce a replacement for or an addition to annual strain on the knees bleep test???

18th Oct 2005, 07:29
And still little or nothing is done about the 40-a-day man ......:(

....cigarettes I mean .....:E

18th Oct 2005, 08:40
Just a few minor problems with this fitness test....

a) If you push yourself on the run and score a very good for example, but then after your minutes rest you only pass the press ups and sit ups, what is your overall score for the test?

b) There is only to be this minutes rest between the run and the press ups. The individual who pushes themselves to the limit on the run is the only person subject to the one minute, all those the finished earlier could potentially get 3,4, more minutes rest before the next activity. The same goes here when taking into account the differences between the male and female levels. Are we to have a PTI each to be able to score everyone fairly?

My suggestion? Seeing as PTI's must have had input into the design and levels of this test. Ask to see the PTI's EXCELLENT test score before you embark upon your fitness test!!!


Talking Radalt
18th Oct 2005, 09:11
Are we to have a PTI each to be able to score everyone fairly?

That, surely, assumes they can add up in the first place?

Speed of a race horse.:D
Strength of a shire horse.:O

Brains of a clothes horse.:{

19th Oct 2005, 03:01
Fine fellows like these (http://www.avrovulcan.org.uk/vulcan_people/tea_luqa.jpg) won the cold war hands down, but I don't know how they'd have faired in a fitness test! :ok:

Onan the Clumsy
19th Oct 2005, 04:30
we know we can read and write and ride a bike ...but can you do it all at the same time? :E

Talking Radalt
19th Oct 2005, 14:57
Fine fellows like these won the cold war hands down, but I don't know how they'd have faired in a fitness test!

I'm guessing the chap at the end of the queue does the bike-based test? :)

19th Oct 2005, 15:02
I'm guessing the chap at the end of the queue does the bike-based test?
I'm more surprised he isn't the one at the front of the queue! Perhaps he's giving the rest a chance before he buys what's left!

19th Oct 2005, 17:40
Well, for me personally i'm looking forward to giving up one of the few days i get at home inbetween dets(which ive been doing for years, but i guess i still need to prove im fit enough!)and the trips away....

I just cant wait to see what happens to the guys who dont pass these and whether they will be deployed? After all we have so many people spare at the moment to fill their places....

20th Oct 2005, 09:01
Two points:

1. Where is the incentive for anyone to push on past the bare minimum? You've got to give something in return or no one will bother. I certainly wouldn't even although I know I could reach much higher than the official 9-10!

2. You never see PTI's doing their fitness tests, do you???

Talking Radalt
20th Oct 2005, 10:01
Where is the incentive for anyone to push on past the bare minimum? You've got to give something in return or no one will bother.

Are you suggesting personal pride, admiration from the PTIs and the envy of all your colleagues isn't enough? :)

20th Oct 2005, 10:32
You never see PTI's doing their fitness tests, do you??? Same as you never see a QHI do a QHI check ???

20th Oct 2005, 12:27
Oh how I aspire to be the envy of all my colleagues by going that extra mile on my fitness test. Thank you, for you have shown me the error of my ways ;)

22nd Oct 2005, 21:43
Being a part of one of the most deployed units in the RAF, I'm a bit F*$£"d off with the amount of rubbish we have to achieve already. However, I've lasted the last seven years without lifting the weight of my three year old through the bedroom window. Just about qualifies for the OFT by my calculations (at least if I don't drop him - ask Micheal Jackson!!!!)

Phoney Tony
22nd Oct 2005, 22:03
I wonder if the plan is to get us all to be able to do the RAF Rgts job as well as our own primary duties then we can sack them. After all our juniors are now doing the RAF Police's work (Guarding etc).