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View Full Version : Gazelle v Snowman

8th Feb 2000, 21:14
I am reliably informed that a certain Gazelle in Norway attempted to blow over a snowman (I have to ask myself at this point why?). The stuborn snowman would'nt move no matter how low or close the crew manoeuvered the Gazelle. Not to be out-done a gentle nudging manouever was apparently attempted. The snowman resisted all attempts to be dislodged (as it was mainly ice and not snow) and the Gazelle suffered some minor damage. Can anybody enlighten me further to the validity of the story and you snowmen out there, what do you think?
PS>May you all keep your rotors sunny-side up and your skids/wheels earth-side down.

[This message has been edited by HeliAv8tor (edited 08 February 2000).]

Master baiter
9th Feb 2000, 03:22
Can't imagine why anyone would want to go to Norway for anyway!......far too 'derby road'

possibly the SQHI was demo-ing HIGE! :)

9th Feb 2000, 04:26
I take it this wasn't the same guy who decided to give his Gaz a post-exercise wash by hovering under an agricultural irrigation sprayer some years ago? (Yes, of course the flame went out).

11th Feb 2000, 17:10
No idea, perhaps it was the chap who sent a "greenie" out to de-ice his gazelle with a ball-paine hammer in Bos a couple of years ago. Any way, "it does make I smile" :)

Sloppy Link
11th Feb 2000, 23:33
Not snowman but.......snowdalek! (allegedly)

Floppy Link
15th Feb 2000, 00:23
Hey Sloppy
lets not get confused here...

15th Feb 2000, 01:28
I Know exactly what happened but sorry old chap I wouldn't blab on a fellow non commsioned rank!!!

16th Feb 2000, 00:48
Hey Roprick,

I thought these forums were meant to be educational, If you know how and why it was done let us know. Someone out there might want to do it properly!

So come on spill the beans!

We don't need to know who just how!