View Full Version : Fo's At Loganair

15th Oct 2005, 12:30
Have seen ads in flight international for direct entry captains for logi and with people moving from regionals, I believe about 20 fo's leaving flybe this atumn for example, just wondering if anyone knows A) if many fo's are leaving logi this autumn and B) they are goining to be recruiting any new fo's this autumn/winter?

would be very grateful for any info

15th Oct 2005, 13:23

Heard from a good contact at Loganair that over 12 people are possibly leaving but not sure if they have confirmed this yet so watch this space for recruitment.

15th Oct 2005, 15:59
I know of five guys who have applied via the on-line application over the past 2-3 months, no replies to any yet?


Mr Wonka
15th Oct 2005, 16:42
YYZ I agree, i know 4 good friends with the requirements, but no response after applying 3 or 4 times and yes they have address in scotland.


Alll very strange

Mr W

18th Oct 2005, 12:25
Thanks for feedback ROSCO
anyone else any more info on upcoming recruitment plans?

25th Oct 2005, 14:48
Logan Air have recently(this month) recruited FOs. ONLY by School recommendation.

25th Oct 2005, 16:39
boll:mad: ks. Logan have taken two people I know of this month who applied off their own backs.
Why post about a subject you clearly know nothing about?

25th Oct 2005, 17:30

I met a young man this weekend at the EOC who starts at Loganair on 3rd Nov on recommendation from his school (Cabair) so it is happening. Might not be all but it is.

I know an F/O there and has given same indication, like many I have applied several times on the web and not got any response.


25th Oct 2005, 18:25
Lots of us Pruners at the EOC, guess we should of worn ID badges:rolleyes:

25th Oct 2005, 18:27
I know of one chap who popped in for a chat with his CV and was hired there and then

25th Oct 2005, 21:23
They are hiring a lot of people. What I take issue with is rbr saying they only take people from recommendation. They take anyone they like. If they like your form you get a call - if not then you don't.

25th Oct 2005, 21:33
Saying they'ONLY' take people on school recomendation is not true. I also know they just took on a chap who was not recommended.

I believe he was however 'in the right place at exactly the right time'.

25th Oct 2005, 22:00
Silverknapper is spot on, if they like you then great, you're laughing. It's not only school recommended people they take. The story about them only ever taking people with Scottish addresses is also nonsense

26th Oct 2005, 21:24
Logan is after pilots that can relocate and commit to at least a few years with them i.e. no strings and prob no attachments. Show that and you are in the postion to impress. A mate just got a job with them. Good lad!

Airway to Heaven
28th Oct 2005, 09:38
At your Loganair interview, the most important question will be:

Have you got your £12000 available for the type rating on our Saab?

Beware, I'm told 2 guys have recently been chopped during line training after paying their £12k.

Save your money towards a 737 rating, then you can join up with the other Logan boys jumping ship who realise that's what they should have done in the first place.

28th Oct 2005, 10:13
Unfortunately I can confirm what Airway is saying!! Watch out.

28th Oct 2005, 10:47
Airway to Heaven

mmm you post seems to be a bit bitter.could you be 1 of the guys recently chopped..?
the aviation community within scotland is quite a small 1 so most of us know why those "persons" were chopped...the company doesnt like chopping any 1.The bond(loan) is paid back by logi so the guys concerned wouldnt have been out of pocket..

logi like evry other company has people moving on ,be greatful chaps it means that for those of you lucky enough to be taken on its prob. going to be the most fun airline flying you'l ever do!

Ambulance 'Charlie Alpha'
28th Oct 2005, 10:48
Guys and Gals,

Just to offer my two penneth.

The £12K upfront is a little rude I agree. This doesn't even cover the course cost though. I think I read that total cost to the company is about £18K. It is a big commitment, and no, it never used to be like that in the old days.

However, it is NOT the old days anymore, the whole business is changing. If you don't want to pay, then don't apply for the job. It's that simple. No point moaning about upfront bonds. They are here to stay I'm afraid.

What about the 'risk' factor? I have met a few guys that were chopped and 99.99% of those that weren't during line training with LC. If you go into it with the same amount of commitment and learning effort/respect that you gave your GFT or IR, then invariably, you will succeed. In my opinion, there does seem to be a belief in 'new-starts' that once the type rating is out of the way, they can relax. Those that do, struggle and in the worst case, get chopped. Don't relax, don't stop working damn hard to get it right until the day you have passed that line check.

It could be worse, you could be paying for the line training aswell! And at least they pay you from the day you start with the company.

I was there for 5 years, flew Otter, Islander and SAAB. Enjoyed every second of it. Everything I learnt there is now paying huge dividends on the jet I now fly.



29th Oct 2005, 07:23
Let me state the obvious.

If you stuggle to obtain your CPL/IR by requiring additional training/testing then you may be classified as a "training risk".

Sometimes airlines assessment teams take a risk themselves, and select a FO who may be considered to be a marginal training risk. Sometimes it works out - sometimes it does not.

If you do not fall into this category, then provided you continue to put in 100% effort to your type and line training you will succeed.

Loganair is an excellent training platform for those early years to develop your skills. With an ATPL issued, you are ideally placed for that first jet job having had an enjoyable time on the Saab.

NDB into Islay on a dark windy wet night is a good introduction for those Greek Islands at night !!

I think ACA [the previous posting] will bear this out in his 757.

Ambulance 'Charlie Alpha'
29th Oct 2005, 10:03
Absolutely ecj! Those dark winter NDB approaches into Islay are some of the most 'exciting' I've done in the SAAB. Certainly makes you concentrate and fly bloody good non-precision approaches that's for sure!

Still, nothing will ever beat the night landings on the beach at Barra in the Islander. Although a circling approach to Corfu in crap weather can certainly get the pulse racing a little!

My new employer stated at the time of my sim check that he liked SAAB pilots. The SAAB is first generation EFIS and with a proper coupled FMS. It's a great grounding for jet flying and certainly saved me a lot of pain and anguish during my training.

Infact, apart from the size and EICAS screens, you'd be surprised at the similarity between the 757 and SAAB 340 flight decks. They are roughly the same age of airliner. The Primary flying displays are very similar and the FMS works basically in the same way, albiet with a few 'extras' thrown in on the 757. Worth having a look on airliners.net or something similar at the flight deck of both. I think the SAAB will surprise you if you haven't seen inside one before.

Cheers ACA

29th Oct 2005, 10:47

"Although a circling approach to Corfu in crap weather can certainly get the pulse racing a little!".....

Which seeing as you are an FO, you will not fly. Night landings onto 17 are CFU are CAPTAINS ONLY in most airlines.

So, I think your post is a little self congratulatory.

Ambulance 'Charlie Alpha'
29th Oct 2005, 13:31
And Stansdead old bean, you seem to be a little quick off the mark with your response. At no point did I mention circling at night in Corfu! Just in crap weather.

Should I congratulate myself again!?



29th Oct 2005, 18:50
Well put ACA nice one:p .yeah heard about our two collagues joining you soon,how's MC gonna cope with all that crew food :p
anyway hopefully hook up wit ya soon

Good luck


Ambulance 'Charlie Alpha'
29th Oct 2005, 20:16

Only through extreme will-power, a tight training programme and a strict dieting regime will he be able to properly digest the crew food box and the crew meals! Worringly though, the chocolate seems to be turning more frequently into 'health' bars! Maybe they are preparing for his arrival!!!....I jest!

Good luck to them both. They've worked hard and both deserve it. Just more proof that Loganair SAAB time is respectable flying experience when it comes to progressing one's career. I believe that Easy, GB, TCX, BMI, Thomsonfly and Globespan are all taking Logi guys at the moment.

Well done to them all.
