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15th Oct 2005, 08:39
I have just heard on the news that not one of the rat-packs that were flown out to the States following their request for help following Hurricane Katrina was used due to concerns over BSE.

A US spokesperson added that no-one went hungry.

Jordan D
15th Oct 2005, 09:31
Story in full is covered here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4344168.stm

What's more amusing is that, "we won't take it as it might kill us, but we'll let some other poor fools possibly die" attitude.


Talking Radalt
15th Oct 2005, 17:02
And just how the **** would one recognise the syptoms of degraded intellect in a damn yank anyway?
If that's their attitude, sod 'em.

15th Oct 2005, 17:45
Yes, the paranoia over BSE is rampant here...I am not allowed to give blood as I was stationed in the UK for three years in the early Eighties. Apparantly the fact that I have given over three gallons of blood since then doesn't matter, they would rather let someone bleed to death than subject them to the long odds of getting Mad Cow Disease! :}

Cheers! M2

15th Oct 2005, 18:41
What the hell are they on about? :suspect:

Moooooooooo! :}

15th Oct 2005, 22:20
I guess it would be rude to ask the States to pay for the cost in shipping 500,000 rat packs out there...Just out of interest, how many ration packs have we sent to Pakistan?

15th Oct 2005, 22:40
Maybe the Yanks have stamped 'A gift from the USA' on the ratpacks we sent them - and then sent them to Pakistan?

16th Oct 2005, 08:09
I guess if the rat packs go to Pakistan we could end up with Mad Mullah's disease - or have they already got that?

Ignition Override
17th Oct 2005, 08:08
But we have so many bureaucracies who do anything to avoid any blame, let alone reach well-informed decisions. Maybe that clown who was quoted is only protecting his rear end. You call it a bum?

And we have so many bureaucracies, there is no 'Black Adder' to show them how to work together (I really like the redheaded queen-is her name Miranda Richardson? :D :E ). The intelligence agencies at "Malfunction Junction" are bad enough.

Many of us have various levels of insanity so that most major airlines, most in some type of bankruptcy protection, appear to us to be quite normal.

I felt kind of mad just driving on the left side of the road over there.

Clockwork Mouse
17th Oct 2005, 08:24
During GW1 we developed and issued special halal ration packs to feed the Iraqi prisoners. Perhaps we should develop and store a special pack for the US in anticipation of the next hurricane?

17th Oct 2005, 08:29
I think George Bush ate them all. How else could we explain his behaviour?