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29th Jan 2000, 22:05
I'm just about to sit the Rotary P of F paper to add to my ATPL(A) navs and techs to complete the ATPL (H). Does anyone have any good info?

Would be most grateful for top tips!

30th Jan 2000, 02:36
Buy a toy helicopter, as detailed as poss in the hub department. It will make understanding how the damn things fly so much easier!

30th Jan 2000, 03:12
Always tick the longest answer.

Flap 5
31st Jan 2000, 01:52
Don't go in to it too deep. You'll only end up proving that helicopters can't fly.

Master baiter
31st Jan 2000, 02:48

Tip from the top.

if u are going to fly them, understand how they work!!

1st Feb 2000, 23:12
Thanks guys!

I've got 2500hrs on twin turbines so I've got a rough idea how they fly - I think.

Just wanted to know how to pass the exam which probably has little bearing on how they actually fly.

2nd Feb 2000, 00:41
You have inadvertantly hit the nail on the head here.

The question is "does anyone know how to pass the exam?" , not: do you know anything about the subject!

As I said before - tick the longest answer!

piston broke
2nd Feb 2000, 01:58
Cyclic, just read the study guides Im sure youve got & go sit the test. I assume youre ex military, if so its a doddle. Look at all us lot that must have done it once!

Its a gift, you cant learn it!

4th Feb 2000, 03:52
Cylic, looking at the exams you have already clocked up then I think you should have no problems with basic RW PofF. However, don't panic when you finish the exam in less than half of the allotted time and see that everyone else is still struggling! Just do the study and go at them without even thinking of failure.

Good Luck!!