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Op Tastic
13th Oct 2005, 15:39
80 today!


13th Oct 2005, 15:49
Whats this got to do with a military aircrew forum ????

Clockwork Mouse
14th Oct 2005, 11:15
Well, we were all "her boys" when she was in charge. She had more balls than most generals. Can do no wrong in my book.

Op Tastic
14th Oct 2005, 18:06
At last, someone to recognise her contribution!! Considering she was at the helm for at least two major conflicts, it has every relevance to this forum, probably just ahead of the lone post about Saddam!

14th Oct 2005, 18:25
This should have Pr00ne foaming at the bit:E

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

14th Oct 2005, 18:56
Loved her politics at first - some of her privatisation ideas were quite good - BT for example. but like most leaders who have been in power too long, the policies got a bit too rich for most peoples blood. She should have gone on the 3rd election. But for sheer leadership ability you cant fault her. If she said she was going to do something (bad or good) she did it. She wasn't all fart and no sh1t. Not like the fence-mounted tw@ we keep voting in at present :suspect:

14th Oct 2005, 19:15
She was wonderful! Most of our present day prosperity is the result of her policies. More leadership in her little finger than Blair has in his entire body.

Many happy returns Mrs T.

14th Oct 2005, 19:33
A great woman

It was the stab in the back from her party that has led to the current state of the Tory party to-day. Once it was seen to work on her, every time someone disagreed with the leader it was open season (as JM found to his cost).

A woman with vision, who in the 1981 defense review saw an increase in the RAF as the way ahead at the expense of the Navy.

You can’t teach that, a truly gifted woman/leader.

Take cover!!!


14th Oct 2005, 21:55
A woman with vision, who in the 1981 defense review saw an increase in the RAF as the way ahead at the expense of the Navy.
Indeed, vision of the crystal ball variety. The planned emasculation of the Royal Navy encourages a shower of tinpot dictators to invade a far-off outpost of the British Commonwealth. One small war later and a government that had been deeply unpopular was subsequently re-elected.
The Falklands War could be considered as the making of her Prime Ministership and seems to have perhaps bolstered her when it came to taking on the likes of Arthur Scargill.
These two achievements as well as her stance against the invasion of the Eurocrat outweigh her failures such as failing to utilise the wealth of North Sea oil for the nation as a whole and the simplistic idea which eventually led to her downfall, the "poll tax".
At least she had the courage of her convictions, something you could never accuse the current incumbent of ...:suspect:

15th Oct 2005, 01:03
Ah, Queen Maggie! Her original house is just down the road from me- with a brass plaque and the like- it is a health food shop now, but the Yanks still stand beside it to get their photos taken- great advertising for the shop!

15th Oct 2005, 19:34

A small bite I see!!

With the extra money The Airforce would have had RAFS Hermes and Invincible so not all would have been lost!!!
