View Full Version : Any euopeans working at ATCO with AirServicesAustralia ?

10th Oct 2005, 09:27
Hi folks,

just wondering if there are any Europeans with previous ATC licences held in Europe got a job with Air Services Australia ( preferably ATCO-jobs ).

I might want to try taking that road, if there's a slight possibility of getting ASAU helping out with getting a permanent residency visa as a skilled worker.

I know the web-site says they won't, but websites aren't the Bible, are they ?

Looking forward to the replies...

11th Oct 2005, 09:18
I personally know 2 guys who both worked Belfast tower and now work in Oz. One now in Melbourne centre, and one in Brisbane centre.

Uncommon Sense
11th Oct 2005, 11:25
They will not help with the residency.

A friend who finally got residency - took a long time living here - was then told they didn't have enough recent ATC experience.

Go figure.

Still, there is a good chance we will all be fired in 16 days time.

(And if this government has it's way with new facist legislation probably put in jail to boot!)

Maybe have a go at applying then!

11th Oct 2005, 11:37
Where's the girl withthe 'foreign' accent that works ML centre from?

11th Oct 2005, 17:17


The Euronator
11th Oct 2005, 18:19
Where's the girl with the 'foreign' accent

This will be you when they give you a lobotomy and send you to
the Crisper :E

11th Oct 2005, 22:19

Have you looked at Skilled Independent Migration ?

No need for a sponsor but can take a while. If you can meet the points test maybe its worth a go.

DIMIA have a booklet explaining.You can download it if you haven't done so already . Go here (http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/books6.htm)

Good luck :ok:

13th Oct 2005, 00:47

thanks for that link. Yes, I have been looking into migrating on my own...I would have enough points with my previous carreer in Physiotherapy. But I haven't practiced that for the last 6 years, so most of the knowledge is either forgotten or obsolete :rolleyes:

My wife still works as a physio, but she's convinced she wouldn't be able to pass the skills assesment test... and is not motivated to study for it...

I'm in contact with a emigrationconsulent, to see what options I would have with my credantials...so we'll see.

@Uncommon Sence : is there some kind of social unrest going on there, that you talk about being fired ? Can you tell some more ?
