View Full Version : Military out of money?

5th Jan 2000, 02:35
I'm new here so if this is an old thread let me know!
The UK military seems to be totally out of resourses right now, Navy Pilots capped at 15 hrs a month, Army Pilots capped on the deck (Lynx fleet thread) Crabs are probably down to the last 4 star Hotel....
All of this when the news tonight reports on the failings of Equipment and the procurement chain etc,
It's all going to end in tears. Is there an adult senior officer at the new JHC willing to call it as it is and squawk 7700 to the press?
Come on top brass\big pension gang, bail us out.
(Don't start by sending the 'King to Norway though.)

6th Jan 2000, 11:31

2's forward 1's back
7th Jan 2000, 00:47
Do you really think that the top brass will risk their pension for the coal face workers?
Come on!

12th Jan 2000, 02:39
so you are new here eh... a clever ruse methinks??