View Full Version : removing smell of dead animals from gear

6th Oct 2005, 16:09
have the task of getting the smell out of a net that hauled a carcass,that stunk SOOOOOOOO bad,so I'm wondering what will work?thanks

6th Oct 2005, 16:16
One gallon of jet fuel....and a box of wooden matches. Douse well, set it alight...stand up wind.:E

6th Oct 2005, 16:57
Tomato juice? Works on smelly dogs ;)

6th Oct 2005, 20:33
...and skunk smell, or so I'm told.

7th Oct 2005, 11:54
"and skunk smell, or so I'm told".

Yep can vouch for that, got sprayed by a skunk many years ago in Toronto whilst walking my relations dog. :yuk:
Had to endure a few minutes in a bathful of tomato juice & got out smelling a damm site sweeter than I did a few minutes earlier.:O (if having the appearence of severe sunburn!)

7th Oct 2005, 15:52
Have someone else do it and go for a cup of coffee. ;)

8th Oct 2005, 12:13
As long as it is not cloths I would put in Dethol or any other medical grade cleaning product. Make it smell like a hospital for a while though...
