View Full Version : North Sea Go South!

14th Nov 1999, 01:47
Want to fly North Sea Look South !

So how is the North Sea Helicopter industry looking for a long-term career for young people looking for a future in aviation or for the few ex service personnel that are changing to a civilian job?

Well the short answer could be forget it and that would certainly be my advice to the ex-service element. Perhaps for the young beginners if you obtain sponsorship from one of the main helicopter companies, there may still be an argument for taking that sponsorship but with the following provisos. Firstly whist doing your exams take them right through to Fixed Wing ATPL level, and secondly, take as few payback bonds as you can get away with, for example don’t do extra conversions or training that may hold you longer than is absolutely necessary. The object of the exercise is to squeeze as much out of the system as quickly as possible and then disappear to fixed wing to a career that will give you good salaries, some professional respect and a decent future.

The whole of the industry has been squeezed between the oil companies saving themselves money, and the managers of the Helicopters try to put each other out of business and failing. The result is that the pay and conditions for the pilots and others have been on a constant slide, with regular rounds of redundancy!

Still want to be a North Sea pilot or engineer? If you do I can recommend a good shrink!

Chip Lite
14th Nov 1999, 03:41
I have to say, what a refreshing change to hear someone say it how it is. Yes you are correct. From my position, I've done my stint offshore and spent 10 years onshore and that is no better. I could write a whole book on what I think of the helicopter industry, but nobody would read it!

So I will have to write a proper book and the general public will read it and realise what a raw deal they get. i.e. as fare paying passengers or what flies over the house at night!!

keep up the truth H.

15th Nov 1999, 22:56
It has always been this way on the North Sea. Regrettably, many of us have travelled the same road, thinking that the unthinkable will never happen to them. Heed what is said above, and make as many positive moves as you can to leave the industry. Only then will the major players realise that they cannot exist without Pilots and Engineers.