View Full Version : RAF tech training records ?

4th Oct 2005, 13:48
Does anyone know who to get in touch with regarding RAF technical training records, specifically from the now defunct No1 Radio School?

PMC weren't able to help (although they did send all of my ACRs, fun reading) and I need to get a copy of a document that has been lost.

Any help would be much appreciated.


4th Oct 2005, 14:33
If these are records refering to you as an individual, I doubt that they still exist.

The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) requires organizations to only retain oersonal data they actually need. Given the length or time since basic training (especially if it was at Locking), I doubt that there is still a business case to retain the information. What use would they be now - I doubt that you would wish a desk officer or a promotion board to make decisions on your performance many years ago. If this is the case tnen your records have probably been destoyed as the law requires (the law does not permit retention 'just in case' it may be needed).

If it does still exist you can apply for its release under the DPA - see your unit P staff.

PMA records are regularly reviewed and information no longer required is destroyed. ACRs are retained throughout your career as they are used for processes such as the award of an MSM (for airmen).

The Gorilla
4th Oct 2005, 15:08

My experience of helping to close down stations taught me that a lot of stuff which shouldn't be kept gets transferred to the new locations. It is then put in a storage room marked TFD sort out later!!

Effectively 1RS moved lock stock and two smoking barrels to Cosford and I can only suggest that you try contacting them.

Good luck.


4th Oct 2005, 15:49
Thanks TG, I'll give them a try.

Climebear, thanks, although we all know how the MoD have a propensity for hanging on to everything just in case. In this instance the documents refer to military/civilian course module equivalents and as such would be useful, although not essential.


Pontius Navigator
4th Oct 2005, 17:46
On the transfer or retention of documents I became the unwilling custodian of the TFD cabinets at Nav School. Just to help matters the keys were lost.

I bolt cropped the padlocks and started the bonfire. I kept my own counsel but noted that not a few of the current staff's documentation was in the cabinet 12-15 years old.

I happened to notice that one NI had had a shakey time at nav school and emerged as a weak nav. By the time he was at nav school he was a star in his specialisation and beyond doubt had developed into a first rate nav.

I burnt everything <g>.