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View Full Version : Gyroscopic Precession?

28th Sep 1999, 20:26
Is there anyone can give me in not less than fifty words a definitive explanation of 'Precession'. Oh yes I'm a 33 hour PPL student!



29th Sep 1999, 00:14
When a deflective force is applied to the rim of a stationary gyro rotor, the rotor moves in the direction of the force. When the same rotor is now spinning, the same force causes the rotor to move in a different direction, as though a force has been applied to a point 90 degrees around the rim in the direction of rotation. This turning movement, or precession, places the rotor in a new plane of rotation, parallel to the applied force....81 words.

A force applied to the rim of a speeding gyro`, will transpose through 90 degrees in the direction of rotation and produce a turning force at that point... 28 words!!!!!

Take your pick!!!!
Buy a $3 toy gyro and all this stuff will make more sense.

Good Luck



Fly it til the last bit stops moving

[This message has been edited by MaxNr (edited 28 September 1999).]

29th Sep 1999, 04:46
Thanks MaxNr,
I think I'll pay a visit to my local Toy shop.


29th Sep 1999, 21:28
Don't buy a toy - ride your bike! Get yourself up to a good rate of knots (downhill if possible) and then go full right rudder on the handle bars, without leaning over. Whilst dusting yourself off and / or phoning for an ambulance consider the following. The turn you initiated by moving the handle bars was, in effect transmitted to the wheel circumference at the most rearward point of the wheel. You must think this through and fully understand that point. Move that force through 90 deg the direction of rotation and you have the reason that you are now bleeding. Now think the theory through by considering what happens when you lean. Too many words - **** I failed.

30th Sep 1999, 00:51
And I thought it was the 8 pints of Caffries that gave me a speed wobble!!!! Ya live and learn!!!!


Fly it til the last bit etc etc
