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30th Sep 2005, 15:22
Hi all,

Absolutely delighted to have heard this week that I'm through the Thomsonfly selection and into the holding pool.

Was just wondering if anyone else here was in the same position, or if anyone has any rumours/stories about the current situation? Yes, I did ask about this at the time, but the reply was less than specific!

Thanks in advance,

30th Sep 2005, 21:06
Hi mate:


When did you do your sim check and interview?.

I am still waiting for my results.

Regards to everyone.

1st Oct 2005, 05:25
Sorry, and what position did you applyy to?????

1st Oct 2005, 08:03

Congrats for that, but what holding pool?

I didnt know there was one.

When are you to start or have they not said.


1st Oct 2005, 09:33
Hello again,

Went for Stage 1 last month, and had the stage 2 day (sim + interviews) earlier this week. Got a letter to say I had been successful, but they were unable to give me a course start date at this time. Therefore I was placed in their Holding Pool.

It's for Second Officer, which I know will probably cause a bit of controversy on here, given that subsequent Stage 1 assessment days were cancelled. But just to clarify, I'm not low-hours and I'd already passed my Day 1 stage before this decision was undertaken.

So any news anyone?

1st Oct 2005, 15:19
Hi Mister,

You've made it thru stage 1. Congratulations! Would you be able to share what type of Day 1 it is? I heard of a group assessment, then some numerical testing or so.

Can you let me know what is wise to prep for, and what to expect on the first day?

Thanks mate,


1st Oct 2005, 16:17
No disrespect FLEXPWR....but could you not hijack the thread? There are plenty of other threads about all the stages of the Tfly assessment process, and it would have been very easy to send Mister a Private Message about this.


1st Oct 2005, 17:34
FLEXPWR, I have sent you a private message.


3rd Oct 2005, 10:42
Mister, Thanks for the PM, appreciate.

Shortcut, my deepest apologies, was not aware you personally owned this thread.:E

11th Oct 2005, 09:05
Anyone have any news at all?
Mister, have you heard yet mate?


11th Oct 2005, 14:34
Hi Shortcut:

One month waiting and no news up to the moment.

Very strange.


11th Oct 2005, 17:46
Strange but not unusual... You will only hear from them when they have news for you. I mean when they will be able to offer you a start date.
It can take weeks (already has) or months (likely) but don't despair. Once you have passed, you have passed.
In the meantime don't forget to apply for other jobs just in case the wait was to last 12 months or more (perfectly possible since the world is on constant revolution and company plans on constant revisions).
A bit like an insurance in a way...

12th Oct 2005, 11:56
Hi Amex:

I see your point mate, and I agree with you.

But it is even more strange that Shortcut did the second stage after me , and he have received news and I have not.

But on the other hand I think that if I had not passed they had told me already.

Anyway, I will be patient, I do not want to ring HR as I know they are very busy.

Regards to everyone and I hope they call you soon for starting the type rating, Shortcut.

13th Oct 2005, 04:44

What did they tell you at the sim stage? most people I know recieve news one way or another within a couple weeks. The assessors make their minds up on the day.

Id just call HR and chase it up. You might be lost in the system or worse..... lost in the mail.


13th Oct 2005, 12:18
Hi all,

From the date of my interview 12th Aug, until the day I was told I was in was three weeks (3rd Sept).

A nail biting time for me and those around me, was a bit of a git at times, but finally the day came.

Just hang on and they will get to you.

On a side note tho, not trying to steal the thread, is anyone starting on monday 17th.

Regards to all


Dougle Mcguire
13th Oct 2005, 13:54
Getting into a holding pool is great if it results in a job. Myself and numerous friends have been in one, sometimes two holding pools and they never materialised into jobs. Companies can change their mind overnight and may not even tell you. So dont do what I did and tell your family and friends you have a job and two months later its vanished into thin air, is so embarrassing to have to go back and tell them. Just wait until you have signed on the dotted line. I know its hard not to get excited, especially when most of us have waited years for our first job. Just keep sending out the CV's. You will do better interviews and sim checks if you think you already have a job in the bag. Good luck anyway, hope it all works out. D

13th Oct 2005, 14:19

I received the letter today. It was sent to me the 20th septembre, but you know, spain is different and things are slow here.

I am in the holding pool as well, which is good news for me.

At the moment I am not gonna apply to other companyes because Britannia (I mean Thomsonfly, hehehe) is thecompany I want to work for since I started my career.

So I will be patient and wait.

Regards to everyone.

Sorry, I forgot something:

Max, check your PMs and thank you. hehehe.

Regards again.

13th Oct 2005, 18:06
Mister I see why you don't want to apply for other jobs but like someone said it above, it ain't wise.
Personally I passed Britannia's selection in 1999 and had to wait until 2003 before staring.
That's 4 years ! And for most it took 2 years not to mention the guys who had passed BA's selection before 911.
For a few many of that lot, their selection was only valid for a period of time. End result, no job offer but a long wait instead before they found out.
Right now Tfly reckons they have enough FOs.... That could mean to you that until the next expansion is announced (after summer 06), you could remain in that pool.
Cost nothing to apply and pass other interviews. If still in the pool, take the job, build your experience and once Britannia gets back to you, pay off your bond and move across.
That way you have more hours and you will be nearer the FO scale (rather than SO). Nearer a command and more employable should you find yourself in the streets again.

Nothing wrong with waiting and enjoying the Spanish sun but perhaps if you haven't got been given a course by Nov-Dec and most courses are already filled for March, April, May you shoudl reconsider.


PS: Ask MAX about holding pools ;)

13th Oct 2005, 20:13
Thank you very much for the advise mate.

At the moment I have a flying job here in Spain and I am enjoying it (of course is not as good as Thomsonfly).

Anyway, I am optimistic and think it wont take long for them to call me .

In a few months time....ummm.... I dont know, lets see what happens:ok:

Regards to all of you and thank you very much for all the advises.

23rd Oct 2005, 21:15
Anybody else into the holding pool????.


18th Nov 2005, 11:13
I am also waiting for a job. (Tomsonfly pool) does anyone (in the pool) heard anything lately about recruiting?

pm me

18th Nov 2005, 15:16
Hi mate:

I sent a mail to HR last week and they said no news up to the moment.

I think we are not gonna start till march or april so they will pobably call us not before december or january.

Not many people into the holding pool.

Any more news will be appreciated.

Regards to all of you.


25th Nov 2005, 09:16
Hi Fladder,

Congrats on getting through!

When did you hear the good news?

I've been swimming in the pool for 2 months now, still no real news.


28th Nov 2005, 08:06
Hi Guys:

Do not worry, they will call us soon.

Be patient, hehehe.


29th Nov 2005, 08:46
After September 11th i had to wait until Feb 2003, some 15 months, but the call did come. Work on 12 months and then if it's earlier then it's a bonus.

BB :ok:

5th Dec 2005, 08:31
I cant see T fly making you wait until Mar April to start and there are a number of reasons for this.

First off, its nearly 3 months in Southampton at CTC for the type rating training.

Secondly, once that is done you have your emerg. procedures, crm, pre line brief to complete.

Thirdly, they will then have to schedule a day for your base training for your take off and landings

Most importantly, since there is a lack of line trainers you will probably be doing your line training in Germany which is another 3 months.

So a start date in March or April would see you online making money for the company around Sept or October which wouldnt help the company if pilots are needed for summer 2006

Just so I dont confuse anyone, this is for the 737 fleet its a bit different for the 757 767


5th Dec 2005, 08:39

I'd like to be optimistic, but with most of us in the hold pool, I believe, on 3-month notice periods, even if the good news came later today, that's still March 6th till anyone could start, at the earliest!

My personal fear is they may give a course-date within 3 months and that my current company won't let me leave any earlier... so I'd have to turn Thomson down until they offered a new course outside of a 3 month-period.

Don't you love airline management ;)

Anyone's thoughts?

5th Dec 2005, 08:46
Well I look at it this way, if you are paid monthly you owe the company 1 months notice, if you are paid every 2 weeks you owe the company 2 weeks notice...

If I was talking about my future and a career progression 1 month would be all I would give considering t fly will not be hiring for ever and there are others in the pool that dont have to give any notice......You may just wait yourself out of a job..

When I started I was in a position not to have to give any notice and two weeks later I was on course. Four others in my course were in the same situation. Its tough because you want to do right by your current employer but if you have vacation time owed to you dont take it, use that towards your notice time or talk to your employer about what you want to do. If they are a half decent employer and you are valued they will understand


5th Dec 2005, 09:24
Wrt leaving before the end of your notice period, I would think about it twice... As HR told me once, we are a reputable airline !
The company knows you need 3 months notice and if they contact you for a course with less than that, there is no problem in turning it down.
I see where chockstartfish comes from but it is a small world out there so Pi**ing on someone else's chips is not a good idea.
Plenty of recruitment going on for the next or two a least so I would advise patience and a clean nose.
If you join Tfly, it is a career move so better not jeopardise it in anyway.

As for waiting until March for a course I can see that very well.... First because they know you need 3 months notice.
There is a slight excess in crew numbers due to a more relaxed programme during the winter.
CVT is winding down its operations due to some repairs on the runway etc...
There are ongoing courses/Line training taking place as we speak so the pipe isn't empty.
There are line trainers being trained and some being transferred from the 757 so training can take place next year, here in the UK.
As for the pilot numbers for next summer well, there are the same requirements than this summer... What I mean is that unless we get more aircrafts delivered the the numbers remain the same. We have just added another 73NG this week but I am sure that with the pressure now on crew training to do better than last summer, if we have to slow down deliveries in order to deliver, that's what will be done.
As for training in Germany it is an option but I was under the impression it was for Command courses mostly.

March/April sounds good... Jan and Feb courses are for DECs as far as I have heard.

5th Dec 2005, 09:38
90 percent of new hire fos on the 737 are going to Germany,

My point with the notice time is. If you have vacation time use it towards the notice time required and TALK to your employer if at all able, and tell them you are thinking about leaving. They may relax the notice time and besides, they will appreciate your honesty IF they are a half decent employer.

Lets face it turbo prop operators know its a stepping stone and at some point expect you to leave, so again my advise is ask them see what they say, if they want to hold back some pay let them if in the big scheme of things you will be better off...


5th Dec 2005, 10:24
I don't have a notice period. Just hoping they will call soon :D

Does anybody knows if there are any new plans for next year?

5th Dec 2005, 10:28
Sure it's definitely worth talking to your present boss... With a bit of luck they have excess crew and won't mind let you go early.
At other times though when they become desperate to hold on crew (growth period, high attrition rate), they might really insist on you working all the way.
Depends... Personally I didn't get the choice. They simply wouldn't let me go, full stop.

Back to Germany... Like I said I wasn't aware of that for FOs.

5th Dec 2005, 10:31
Hi again CSF,

My company has proved to be inflexible and stubborn in virtually all matters since I've been there, culminating in recently over-turning a BALPA vote on a pay-deal from April and simply just imposing it anyway. It's one of the reasons why people are leaving as quickly as they can.

Due to this, there is very little chance of them relaxing on their 3-month rule. Obviously, I'll do everything within my power, and then some, because I want to go to T-Fly as soon as possible!

Hopefully it won't come to this though!


We're jets...not props!

5th Dec 2005, 15:12
Well I wish you all the best of luck, T Fly is a great organization to work for, no ifs ands or buts I hope it works out for all of you...


7th Dec 2005, 09:51
Hi all,

AMEX yes they are sndeing F/O's and S/O to germany.
I will be going out there in January for about six to seven weeks or until i finish line training.

The does seem to be a lot of talk about more and more people coming but as was said it will depend upon they keep the standard of service.

Good luck to those who eventually do get a job.


7th Dec 2005, 10:24
Can you tell us what they have said about new recruiting from the holding pool?

7th Dec 2005, 11:37
Thanks for the update.
Are you guys aware of any command training taking place in Germany ? Wondering if they have swapped around FO/Command training location or if they are simply making the most of all slots now available.
I must say with the amount of training taking place or about to (and early in the year too!!), it is good news for next summer. I don't think anyone wanted to see a repeat of this year's and our overall performance will certainly improve greatly.

Enjoy the NG :D Be ready for the Classics:(, particularly the 500s(disclaimer: I know the 100&200 are the real classics but that's what the 300/500 now are considered to be).

7th Dec 2005, 13:10
Hi guys:

What about the 757/767 fleet??.


7th Dec 2005, 14:49
One course in March I seem to remember.

7th Dec 2005, 15:08
That is what I thought AMEX, but they have not call any of us from the holding pool yet for that course.

Thanks and take care.

7th Dec 2005, 17:27

No probs, No idea about the command training I think that Hapag just seem more able to cope at the moment with line training. What with everyone in the UK being run off their feet.

Am hoping that by the time I get back that they will open up LGW as a 73 base.

For everyone else, I started at CTC on the 18th Oct and the course before had just started in the sims, my course had 8 and so did the one before, we then started in the sims and another course of 8 started.

I think it wont be to long before someone gets a call, but they are rammed at CTC for training.

Keep the faith


7th Dec 2005, 18:00
Yep, plans for a 757 course early new year, 737 courses progressing but hampered by lack of trainers so having to use CTC for Base and Hapag for Line Training.

Pre Line Brief, CRM, Wet Drips, SEP and aircraft training still in UK.

Currently 3 757 courses at various stages which are soaking up a lot of line trainers, emphasis to change for some Comd training come Feb, then I believe a few more RHS courses.

7th Dec 2005, 20:59
Hi All,

Well it does sound like good news for sure. What worries me though is that earlier, I finally caved in to temptation and e-mailed HR to see if they had any news or even rumours for that matter! I was told that there was no news, and wouldn't be any till mid January now. So with that in mind, I'd probably say May will be the earliest for a course start date. Seems a bit strange, cos Summer will be over by the time we get on-line...or should I say "IF"

*Note to self - try and find some optimism again....


9th Dec 2005, 08:27
Me again....

Would anyone like to speculate as to whether there are seperate holding pools for people waiting on 73 or 75 courses? I was under the impression that there was just one pool, and they'd take people from this as and when they needed, with it being sort of "pot-luck" which fleet you would get....

Any thoughts/comments welcomed!


10th Dec 2005, 17:21
Some answers:

1. There is only one holding pool.

2. Don't worry about starting mid summer & missing what you suppose to be the busy period. Unlike most of our competitors, the peak period for crew numbers is currently during the winter period of the Hadj. There is also an increasing amount of longhaul in the winter. Together this two programmes soak up an awful lot of crew. In fact, at the moment, training has been cut to the minimum in order to sustain the operational programme. When the Hadj finishes, training will increase again.

3. As I understand it, they now have the required numbers for next summer, but that assumes that the planned standby aircraft (both 73 & 75/76) are kept for just that purpose & do not have any of their 'capacity' sold seperately. My guess is that the latter will happen to some extent.:ok:

14th Dec 2005, 10:30
still no news about recruiting? anyone?

14th Dec 2005, 11:21
To All in The Pool
Wrt my earlier post, everything at the moment is flat out & I guess it will be into the new year and beyond before you hear any news.

Be patient & keep on looking! You're in "The Pool" & that has some standing. :ok:

15th Dec 2005, 12:37
Shortcut: Have sent you a PM

16th Dec 2005, 08:30
WARNING: The following post has a big Health Warning attached. Don't take it as gospel!

Backtrack is spot on. Only one pool. Training is flat out, at least 3 courses in or fast approaching Line Training, approx 36 bods. Command Training starting again in Feb so lots of Line Trainers and TREs / TRIs soaked up by that.

What fleet? I think we will be 1 757 down and 4 737 up for next summer? Do the math as they say. That said, a fat year for retirements coming up on 75/6. Been involved in a course on each fleet recently and the spread seemed to be pretty equal between low hours and other airline entrants, possibly slightly heavier on the experienced guys going to 757. Still a fair number of DEP Captains on 737, none on 75 as yet. Time is approaching where guys who bid to 737 for quick Commands will be able yo bid back to 75/6. Whether they get to come back as Capts is a big if due complex seniority issues.

Summary: Wait out, either fleet, IMHO worth waiting for, good T+Cs, interesting times ahead and we are busy all year.:ok:

16th Dec 2005, 09:37
Hi all,

Got the call yesterday with the good news. Start date for a 757 course March 20th!! Only concern is choice of base at the moment... CWL, MAN or NCL. As a London-lad, I'm obviously hoping that a local base will become available at some point soon. I've just filled out the Base Bid form and listed the bases in order of distance from London. However, as being the youngest of the 12 joining on the 20th, I may have a bit of a wait for this!

To everyone else who was previously in the pool: Let's get in contact, etc! Looks as though we're going to be spending a few months together in March!

Have a good Christmas everyone.

16th Dec 2005, 10:46
Congratulations mate!!!!.

I have not been called, so will have to wait for the next course at least, hehehe.


16th Dec 2005, 18:17
Those yet to hear: Don't panic just yet, Human Remains, sorry, Human Resources is not known for covering itself in glory on the admin front. Or any other front for that matter.

Those who have heard: Welcome. Out of interest, what's your background? PM if you prefer or even ignore. Enjoy the course, see you soon.

16th Dec 2005, 19:01

Guys, I can't believe there are those still left in the pool without getting called. The course is definitely for 12 people, and I didn't think the pool was THAT full.... Maybe because you're in different countries, the communication is a bit slow?! Or perhaps, I seem to remember some of you guys not needing 3 months notice! Perhaps they will call you a bit nearer the time.

Just for the record, I've got about 1200 hours, including around 1000 hours jet. So given that I'll be flying throughout my three-month notice period, I'd hope to be pushing for an FO slot very soon!


17th Dec 2005, 14:31
Shortcut glad you finally have a date, when did you go into the pool?


17th Dec 2005, 15:13
Thanks B.E.G.

Passed Stage 2 of the Assessment back on 26th September. So will anyone else from here be joining me in March??


18th Dec 2005, 16:46
There were 22 people in the pool (I called HR)
They didn't call me because I was for the S/O position. (low time ab-initio)

Next week I have got another interview with a dutch airline (jet) so I just take the first contract I can get.

Ofcourse I want to fly for Tfly, but I am not going to say 'no' to other airlines where I can fly 737 NG and live in my own country..

so... I hope they will call me too before I have to choose

goodluck to those who did got the call !

19th Dec 2005, 12:27
Hey Shortcut,

Congrats man. See a little patients and look what you got.

As for the base thing, if you head south stop when you get wet, thats where i live and my base will be DSA, yippee, not. But hey I am only thankful that I now have a job.

See you at next years Xmas bash.


19th Dec 2005, 13:02
Hey Rjay259,

Thanks mate, though I must confess that I wasn't really demonstrating any patience! Out of all the bases in England, only NCL is further away from Surrey than my current base at LBA. So if I get any other base...at least I will be in a better position, and with the realistic prospect of getting to LGW within 18 months let's say!

Looks like I'm getting the top item on my Christmas list this year after all....


21st Dec 2005, 15:03
Any ideas on when you guys think Tfly will be doing the next course after the one on the 20th March???.

Happy Christmas to all of you.

22nd Dec 2005, 10:41

I received the call today, starting the 20th march as well.

Things come when you do not think they are going to come, hehehehe.

Regards to all of you.

22nd Dec 2005, 10:54
Congrats Mister!

Just as I suspected.... they've obviously called people in order of their notice periods!! I'm really glad for you!

I've also sent you a PM....

Happy Christmas to all.

11th Jan 2006, 07:09
anyone news about a next course ..? Or recruiting at all from the pool?

goodluck for those who can start on the 20th of March!

17th Jan 2006, 10:49
For those who are waiting..

Anybody any idea how many peoply there are in the pool at the moment? Next course?..

18th Jan 2006, 21:26
I assume you mean the Thomsonfly scheme at Flight Training Europe?

I was due to go on the November scheme but had complications with the class one medical and was unable to join that particular scheme. I am currently in the holding pool and been told that 3 others are in the same pool.

I have no idea when the next scheme is and very keen to start training ASAP. I have contacted Thomsonfly and they have indicated that it will be approx 3-4 months from announcing a new scheme to the start date.

Hope this is of help

19th Jan 2006, 17:04

I was wondering anybody had some info about a new Type Rating course for pilots already in the holding pool after assessment,

..thanks anyway

22nd Jan 2006, 09:13
FlashJordan, Please check you PMs/Email.

Sorry Fladder, I cannot help you.

25th Jan 2006, 13:13
HI guys

Just checking, does that mean to BY will be offering another "mentored scheme" with FTE rather soon? I was too young to apply last time round but now i'm old enough i would love to give it a shot.

Any advice would be great.

Cheers guys