View Full Version : Turbine homebuilts

30th Sep 2005, 12:56
I have heard of a turbine Exec and and a turbine Helicycle. Are there any otehrs out there? How successful are they?

Tha Monk

Any successful turbine Robinsons out there?

30th Sep 2005, 13:45
Have a look at this,


A TWIN turbine homebuilt!!!
A friend of mine is an approved Test Pilot in Czech and tested the helicopter, tethered hovering, but I dont believe it was developed further. Very interesting project built in a back shed.

This is the video link of the test,



Ian Corrigible
30th Sep 2005, 19:50
I had some involvement with the NA-40 Bongo project a couple of years back. At that time, their pricing levels were totally out of kilter with reality, and IIRC they were planning to manufacture complete aircraft rather than kits.

There have been a number of Mini-500s converted to T-62 power, plus at least one Ultrasport.

There was a thread on an Allison 250-C18 powered R22 for sale on ebay a while back (see R22 Turbine... (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?threadid=144712)), but there was a 'small' amount of work still to be done on the aircraft......


Rinse Aid
30th Sep 2005, 20:33
Hello. I'm not a pilot but I've been indulging a casual interest in kit aircraft and have been reading a couple of websites about kit built helicopters. Can I ask the board what their general impression of helicopter kits is? In particular, how do board members rate the Rotorway 162F Exec? I ask as I have yet to find any adverse comments about this kit, which makes me suspicious. If the board members were to build one themselves, what criteria would they use in selecting their preferred model?


30th Sep 2005, 21:13
Would i be right in noticing the Bongo tethered test flight machine had no tail rotor? I saw a line to the tail, but couldn't establish whether it was providing an anti-torque force. Why the inverted V-tail and vertical stabiliser?


30th Sep 2005, 22:15
"Rinse aid"

If I was interested in homebuilt helicopter I would look into the Safari kit helicopter (http://www.acehelicopter.com/builderssite/builderindex.htm) .

I have no experience on it, just seems solid.

Never seen one with turbine though.

But the best advise is to stay away from all kit helicopterīs. Saving money on helicopters is not a good idea!

Ian Corrigible
30th Sep 2005, 22:32

Yes, the Bongo uses a slotted NOTAR system, exploiting the Coanda effect. More details here (http://www.uspto.gov/web/patents/patog/week10/OG/html/1292-2/US06863240-20050308.html).