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View Full Version : Selfsponsored Typerating

28th Sep 2005, 22:23
I have lately been thinking of bying myself a typerating in order to get a job. I was very close to signing a contract on A320 rating including 120h linetraining but I changed my mind when questioning myself...what if this or that happens...what happens then with all my invested money? What happens after the linetraining if I cant continue since its time for the next "students" to begin their line training? Are my chances really better with "only" 120h on the type? Is it so much better that it is worth the risk?

What are your inputs? Is it worth the money if they cannot guaratee a job afterwards?

Any tips...?


Piltdown Man
29th Sep 2005, 08:30
Consider this:

1. Realistically, companies are looking for 500 hours or so on type.
2. You will have learnt SOP's type X, everyone elses' will be different (Sod's Law).
3. Where's the job at the end?
4. You'll be throwing fuel into the "why should we employ people when we can get them to pay to work for us" fire.
5. You'll be displacing somebody who could be employed.
6. How much will it cost and can you afford it?
7. And when you get a job, will it be on that type?
8. Will you actually be more employable at the end?

Not trying to be too negative, but...

Good luck!

29th Sep 2005, 09:51
dont do it, end of. if ur emplyable youll get a job anyway if not the its not the right profession for you anyway.

29th Sep 2005, 18:59
If you do it, you will certainly not be sure of the outcome. The company may say "we changed our mind" or "unfortunatly you were not successful throughout the course" or bla bla bla.

One other thing, people with a lot of hours donīt like it when other collegues and "brothers" pay themeselves a job with their lended money instead of eraning the job as they did with the hours talking for them selves...

But good luck anyway!

29th Sep 2005, 20:24
DO NOT pay for your own training!!! Since when does an employee pay to work for a company? The sooner we stop undercutting ourselves and offering to pay for what the companies are responsible for, the sooner we'll get what we deserve!!!