View Full Version : Ryanair (Europe)

28th Sep 2005, 10:43
Do they hire Americans with a FAA ATP and a significant amount of FAR 121 time? I've heard rumors, but I'd like to verify them before my interest develops.

28th Sep 2005, 20:47
Why don't you just ask them? they are not shy about answering questions,we need(lots)of pilots and no doubt they are trying to find a way to let you guys over there work over here(even if the courtesy won't be reciprocated!?)Just pick up the phone guy. . .

28th Sep 2005, 21:18
They are seeking US pilots (ask yourself why!!!). The scheme involves them obtaining a six month validation of the US license, with the expextation that you will complete all 14 JAR ATP exams within that period.

1st Oct 2005, 21:40
I am really interested in working for FR. However, there are many questions that I can not find answers for. Can anyone help me out?

1) Where are new hires being based and if I am based in England, how long before you can bid out of England? (no offense to the brits)

2) What is a typical duty day?

3) Time to upgrade (currently 3300 hours with 2000 jet 22000 tons.

4) I have applied via their website, but only response I have had is via brookfield. Why?

5) Can I supported my family on the salary as a first officer? (I know that is subjective but we live a modest life style)


1st Oct 2005, 23:18
Blimey, that`s one heavy jet you`ve been flying!

2nd Oct 2005, 07:47

Don't work for them, but as best as I can tell-

1) What's a bid? There is no seniority so it's up to the company. That being said I believe most pressure is to get INTO Britain, so I don't think it would be a problem.

2) 2 long or 4 shorter sectors. 5 earlies, 3 off, 5 lates, 3 off. They aim for (and achieve) 900hrs a year.

3) Short. They are very short of captains. Probably 6 months to assesment if all goes well. HOWEVER, I know of guys who were passed over because they filled the courses with cadets willing to pay for the training. I also know a guy who p!ssed of a manager by turning down a training role (for less money) and was told he would NEVER get a command. You'll get it when THEY want you too, no arguments, no recourse.

4) 'cause they're like that.

5) You'll need enough savings to live for at least a year as you'll recieve nothing during training, very little for the first year. Once on line as an SFO it's reasnoble as long as you fly, pitiful if you don't. And you realise you'll be paying for your type rating? (Unless you've been flying 22000 ton 737s?)

Do you have the right to live in Europe, and a JAR ATP? (There is an offer out to US Captains, but I don't think you'd qualify). If so, there are other opertunities apart from FR, and personally I'd look elsewhere.

2nd Oct 2005, 13:40
Great info. thanks

I have the right to live and work in Europe. I also have the JAR unfrozen atpl from Switzerland.

I really would not like to live in England, but if I have to I will.

There is a contract through brookfield that pays 60 euros per hour as an FO, and 80 when your away from base. Any hang ups with that contract?

It sounds like a crap job, but I must admit, it sounds better than the crap we have in the regionals in America. Eating crap is away of life now. At least I can get a command on a 737 in a relatively short time.

Still not sure what to do?????


2nd Oct 2005, 14:04

With your experience and quals, there are any number of jobs available to you.

You would probably have a good stab at DEP (e.g no cost for type rating) with easyJet, who have bases in,France, Germany,and probably soon elsewhere in Europe. Much nicer company and better paid than contracting with FR.

Even if you were to go for FR, I would think in their current shape you should get a permanent position, not contract.

I think you might be bringing a US mindset to Europe. We are all aware just how dire the situation is over there and exectley how lousy a regional job there is.

Someone of your experience would be well qualified for any of the best FO jobs available here (BA long haul and commute from where ever you want to live perhaps?), with an accelerated command in any of the expanding ones.

One other idea- Netjets is recruiting here. Again, it would be a quick command, no money for a rating, the pay is comparable (SLIGHTLY lower) than Airlines, and you can live any where in Europe you like as long as you have access to an international airport (Which disqualifies a few villages in the Alps, but that's about all.

Any catches with the contract? YES, It's RYANAIR!! I believe one trick they'be tried is to lower the contract rates for people once they've started. If they refuse, they get no flying!!

Ryanair is an employer of last resort for most. Most newbie Ryanair pilots have 300hrs straight from flying school.You don't sound like you fit that catagory.

2nd Oct 2005, 22:29
Thanks a lot,

I flew for an airline in Europe for 3 years, so I have a little idea how things are in Europe. Much better than America. I will try not to bring over my Americanisms. My wife is from Europe and I enjoy Europe and the life style.

I have tried at Easy and no response. I will try Netjets. It seems like a great company.

Once again, thanks for the gouge.


4th Oct 2005, 18:59
Hi happydayz,

Check your Private Messages!!

So long,