View Full Version : Quality Man - Help!!

11th Jan 2002, 02:23
Stuck in Oman for the next 8 weeks. Nothing on the ladies front except a few camels. Sitting, minding my own business when Buckloader started to run towards a herd of distant camels.
"Why are you running", I shouted.
"You don't want to get an ugly one", came the reply.....
Take care, Dad.
Rest inpeace, Damian is looking after your welfare..........

11th Jan 2002, 02:34

Nice to see that you and Buckloader are still working hard whilst doing your bit for the country!

Will never forget that night down the pub, following a hard day stuck in field.

I came so close to making you wear that pint, and not to mention the episode with the torch going back to digs. You do do a very good impression of a woman.

Hope you are well, not getting you to too much mischief!

Take care

"Some days you are the pigeon, some days you are the statue!"

11th Jan 2002, 17:03
When have we ever been worried about getting ugly ones? "Pull a Camel" night will make a fresh change from "Pull a Pig". (and anyway it could have been worse - could have pulled HeliEng!!!)

Last time I saw Buckloader he was with Mrs. Buckloader and he had obviously been missing the camels as he'd bought her two new bumps!

Had to read your message twice, first time it read as "Stuck in a man for the next 8 weeks." - That raised a few eyebrows - I know you're game for anything but hey steady on mate.

Not quite a Dad yet, but due anytime in the next few days. Spoke to most of the The DR Fan Club over New Year and they are all missing you. We're going to have a Hawaiian night in your honour!

Good to hear your all okay, keep in touch and please pass on regards to MB.

Paul. :)

12th Jan 2002, 01:42
Great news my friends,
they've only gone and detached me to a site with their own b7oody MASH unit!! What does MASH stand for? Loads of blinking nurses, that's what. Happy as the preverbial pig in ****. I've got 2 young ladies to help me through the night-shift....one with the classic "There are only 2 of us sharing our tent, you bring the bottle, I'll fetch the glasses" I play rugby with their partner and know that they are right minxes. They enjoy being seperated by several thousand miles.
You just know I'm not joking!
Just off to extend out here...
Would pass on your regards to BL, but his aircraft is not allowed out here because we can't operate it and, basically, it just gets in the way.
See you when everyone's full and Bliar has stopped being a president.

13th Jan 2002, 03:51

I resemble that remark!!!! You G*T!!!

Hope "Y" is well and no doubt looking forward to the end of the pregnancy. Don't forget to keep us posted on the progress!


Nice to hear you are managing to make it through the long sticky nights in "a man!!"

I think, knowing you, you would have found your way to the MASH unit anyway, whether you were sent there or not!!!!

Hope to hear from y'all soon

"Some days you are the pigeon, some days you are the statue!"

17th Jan 2002, 02:50
Not going mad, honest. Checkout <a href="http://www.faceparty.com/rangeextender" target="_blank">www.faceparty.com/rangeextender</a> just to see how much!!
It's really great here, honest.
Having a Bud, not. It's a strange feeling waking up without a hangover!

17th Jan 2002, 04:20

Just tried to check out the photies, nothing. Apparently they are awaiting approval???? Are they that bad??

"Some days you are the statue, some days you are the pigeon!"

18th Jan 2002, 02:59
Considering that I was sober at the time.......stop, what's that, agh, I young medic, back later.