View Full Version : Whose the Man for jobs in China?

26th Sep 2005, 05:27
Down Under we read of the huge boom in flying in China and South East Asia and that in China specifically there is a significant shortage of pilots to fly all these big jets both already there and on order.

While this writer is well beyond legal years to fly big jets ever again, it makes me wonder on behalf of the many keen young pilots I know exactly why the Chinese do not advertise heavily in the aviation media stating what requirements they are looking for and simply ask for applications.

In Australia there is no shortage of CPL and ATPL qualified (not necessarily jet endorsed, mind you) keen pilots who would give anything to fly in China. Heaven only knows there are very few jobs down here judging by the thousands of applications on the desks of Virgin Blue, Ozjet (two old 737's), Qantas and others.

But the complete lack of advertising down this way to fill the apparent (?) critical shortage of pilots in China in the next decade makes one wonder if is all a media con and that there is no real shortage except perhaps for 10,000 hour Boeing pilots? Sure there is PARC, Rishworth and a couple of minor agents seeking crews, but these are for high experience jet qualified pilots. If the shortage of pilots in China and elsewhere is a reality, then where are the advertisements?

Le Pilot
28th Sep 2005, 10:59
In an edition of newsweek earlier this year, the only Airline to admit to having foreign crew was Shenzhen Airlines. The official line by Airlines there is no foreigners because the CAAC has not given approval for their hire.
Even though I worked there for 3 years, It was always denial.
When this particular Airline was asked about foreign crew, they replied they have never employed foreign Pilots. ....Newsweek then referred to the front cover of their Feb 2002 mag with a foreign pilot on the Cover... Silence:O

28th Sep 2005, 22:16
I think I know what the problem is. They have pilots shortage in China because airlines are not allowed to hire foreign pilots. ;)