View Full Version : TR 320 or 737??????????? Please!

24th Sep 2005, 16:08
Hello guys,

I've been firmly offered the 320 TR + 500h or 737 TR + 500h, for an inmidiate start so I have to decide asap!

I know all of these have been on the forum time ago and some people I know what are they going to say but I need some help because if I choose one of those aircrafts there isnīt a way back.

Looking at the orders of Airbus looks ok for 320, but at the same time is known that actual job offers are asking total time of 2000 in excess (I donīt have it). But in the other hand maybe is easier to find a job after 500h of boeing 737.

Please I need help

Thank you very much

Anything will be wellcome

24th Sep 2005, 16:26
do you like flip switches (B737) or press buttons(A320)?


24th Sep 2005, 19:52
actual job offers are asking total time of 2000 in excess

Just buy another 1000hrs then...:rolleyes:

24th Sep 2005, 20:17
Airmedical check your PM's

25th Sep 2005, 08:35

Yeah, this is a very sensitive subject of buying or not buying a Type Rating, but i will skip this and go direct to your question.

You have to do your research and see which one will be more beneficial for you and what you want out of your career and where you are willing to go, i haven't got statistics with me but i believe Airbus in Europe is doing extremely well so naturally must be more recruitment drives for Airbus pilots rather than Boeing, it is also worth to bear in mind that Airbus is doing well in Asia as well and all those new start-ups.

Don't forget to do your research first.

25th Sep 2005, 08:55
My two cents worth:

Buy a 737 rating and you will likely end up in a low cost airline.

Buy a 320 rating and you will likely end up in BA, MON, TCX,FCA etc etc

Take your pick.

Mr Blue Eyes
25th Sep 2005, 10:40
It sounds like you have more money than sense.

Get an A320 rating + hours and if you don't get a job, buy a 737 TR + hours....simple!!

Read, the Balpa web site on TR's, look at the Airbus/Boeing sites for Orders and find out from ALL the airlines what there requirements currently are. NO subtitute for research! (I mean proper research not a rumour web site!)

I have several friends with TR's and NO JOBS! So remember there are no guarantee's.

Also remember for every pilot that buys a TR YOU just make the situation worse for every other unemployed Pilot!

Mr Wonka
25th Sep 2005, 12:36
Mr Blue Eyes

Amen ! I agree.....

Mr W

25th Sep 2005, 15:20

Two of my friends bought an a320 rating for personal life choice and have just secured employment with Monarch... NO HOURS ON type!! As said before what do you want to fly and what life style do you want


25th Sep 2005, 16:31
Hi Mate,

First of all the choice is yours..... I had to make the same choice 7 weeks ago and I went for the B737.... i already got a Job and this was before finishing the type rating.

Forget all these people who are waiting in dream land thinking that the airlines are going to start paying again. its a fact ...They aren't.

One way or the other you pay for a type rating anyway.....if the airline pays for it they put you on a low salary and bond you......if you pay for it you should go onto a pretty decent salary straight away with no bond at all..

A Type rating is the only way forward....I too was dead against it when I left flight school but it s the old saying if you can't beat them join them.

You are 100% doing the right thing.....only you now have to make up your mind.

Good Luck buddy


26th Sep 2005, 11:15
explain me how a company can pay you a type rating when they sell ticket for 1 euro???

26th Sep 2005, 11:38

i believe u all are in the best position to advise me.............

currently i'm still a wannabe... going to flight school for CPL next year...

i'm thinking...

i would like to buy a A320 TR...........

but realisticly, what are the Chances of 200hours freshly graduated pilot with a A320 TR?

also.. we can actually purchase hours on type??how is it so? mind explaining it to a wannabe like me?

since i'm in SE Asia, i believe a320 TR is the one to choose.. but what are my chacnes with no hours and a TR?

also.... after freshly graduating with 200 hours, and since most of the airlines like 95% of them do not take in low hours pilot, where is a good starting point for me?

26th Sep 2005, 15:38
You still haven't begun your CPL and you're already eager to BUY a TR? Please don't :confused:

If you like the job, do your CPL. Then, IMHO, try focusing your mind on how NOT to buy a job. If you like to think in advance, think about the chances you could have to GET a job: aerial photography, instruction, whatever.

It will make you a far better pilot (and man), me thinks!

26th Sep 2005, 23:33
It will make you a far better pilot (and man), me thinks!
For sure it will...
Then the chief pilot of the XXXAirline, after a sim session, will tell you: "U are a real good man, a great pilot, and U have 12000000 hours on a Cessna 172...but talking about the job, where are your hours on type?...No type, no hours, no money?...well, it's been a pleasure, we'll let U know if U fullfill our profile...see you..."
Sadly but surely...

27th Sep 2005, 15:22
That happens because you're not supposed to have 1000000 hrs C152 when joining an airline, but maybe 1000 hrs King Air, or Citation..
I think it's too much of a habit, to miss a piece of the picture. It happened a few times in the past, but my little advice is: don't think you can go from the ATPL to a liner in a straight shot. If you get lucky and you score, amen, but avoid carefully to plan your life and training in the illusion of getting an airline job that quick, I would say.
That's why people keep on washing their pockets dry and feeding the pay-to-work airline business..
Times are changing -most people reckon-; if we play our game well, we're not gonna pay for a TR for a long time. Just make sure to work your way up, don't be eager to skip those steps. You would miss a lot of fun, as well!! ;)

Take care

28th Sep 2005, 09:33
You show me a single place where they give you a job on a turbo-prop/bizjet without paying for the type, or a single place where you can get paid to drag gliders, or any other arial work, and I will immediately change my mind.
The scenario is maybe changing, but don't even think the Companies will come back to pay for your training...

29th Sep 2005, 12:07
Let's put it like this: if you have to pay a TR, a Citation is much cheaper than a 320... :}

Second point: although I do believe the airlines may get to the point of paying your training, there are quite some intermediate degrees between this and buying a TR blind.
You can be bonded, for example. It's a huge difference.
What I really mean is, let's try not to consider a TR the natural prosecution of ATPL. It really isn't, it mustn't be! If you build experience gradually, you'll be likely to face better job chances with some "power" on your side, and eventually get better entering conditions. That's my point ;)

29th Sep 2005, 15:15
You show me a single place where they give you a job on a turbo-prop/bizjet without paying for the type

Cityjet, Flybe, Thomsonfly, FCA to name but a few, there's undoubtedly others. Granted they all bond you for varying lengths of time, but taking Flybe as an example - the bond only ever needs to be paid if you leave the company within 3 years, so stay that long and you get the TQ paid for completely by the company - ok, maybe not the best paying airline in the business, but its a start and requires Ģ0 outlay after fATPL + MCC.


1st Oct 2005, 11:03
Cityjet, Flybe, Thomsonfly, FCA
Applied to all of the above and many, many more...
Received the usual reply..."thanks for your interest in our company, but we don't need people at the moment, best wishes for your career and so on..."
A year is passed, now, and I have applied all around the world (included the famous corporate/business list on ppjn), at every level (jet, turboprop, piston), proud of my UK frozen ATPL, but no sign of a single interview.
Low hours, little experience, just like so many other people that, at the end of the day, start thinking that the ATPL is not the end of the training and the start of the career, but, unfortunately, an intermediate step to a job.
I can't even say that it was because of my lack of preparation and I failed the interviews, because I couldn't have any!
Let's face it: Brits have already enough unemployed low hours they can't be bothered to call me, even with a UK licence, coming from abroad; my country is the Country of the connection and nepotism, gufo U know what I mean, so what's the way for me and the other guys in my situation?
I don't like to spend all this money, of course, but I can't get old waiting for the lucky shot...
I am sure that the step by step career is the best to improve professionally, unfortunately I am not 20 and time is a luxury I don't have...
That's all! Sorry for the mileage of the post!

1st Oct 2005, 11:11

I think you will find that thomsonfly charge you Ģ10000 now for your type training.

Add Thomas Cook to the list of airlines not charging for a TR.

1st Oct 2005, 12:28
Just keep on trying, Rizla. And keep on flying where you can, paying the least you can, in the meantime..
I know it's tough, just hold on tight, don't go buying a TR just because you feel you have nothing left to do. When you feel you've done everything, it's time to start all over again.

Well, that's the latest broadcast from "My Humble Opinion" :p