View Full Version : CRM & HUET

22nd Sep 2005, 03:24
Just wondering if any can point me in the right direction for CRM courses either in Canberra or Sydney. And roughly what do they cost.
Also, anyone know of HUET courses in Sydney or Canberra, that might be cheaper than QLD CareFlight's courses. They want $500 for a 1 day HUET course. Is that a reasonable price for that?

Many thanks:confused:

22nd Sep 2005, 03:43

I was fortunate enough to conduct the CareFlight QLD HUET course a little while ago and found it extremely rewarding and well worth the money.

I assume they charge a little more when away from their home base (I understand they are based in QLD). I was way out in front compared to the other so-called HUET courses I have done in the past using a floating seat and the diver pulls you over. The theory with these courses left me a little perplexed (ie. very poor).

I was chatting to one of the instructors during the course and he mentioned that they were investigating the possibility of a CRM course but they were researching a bit more.

Think of it as a tax deduction!:}

22nd Sep 2005, 22:40
Oogle, if I cold claim it on tax, I would mind, but Im not in the industry yet, so I cant. Just trying to get some baseline quals up to apply for some casual work. Dont want part with my hard earned $$ without getting a job at the end of it.
Thanks though. Might have to settle for it.
Cheers, Gus.

22nd Sep 2005, 23:09
Tactical, if your going to do any overwater flying pay what you have to for the huet course its excellent training.......I did the careflight course in sydney, they travel around each month , check their website for a contact number and find out when they a next in you area.

I think i last paid around $450 when i did it last......


27th Sep 2005, 21:33
Gidday Tactical, for CRM e-mail [email protected], good courses run by Helicopter people, tailored for you or your organisation/employment. Can get the full course for around $250 if you negotiate. For HUET, go with Careflight, but you may want to wait until you end up in a job flying over the water and then your employer may foot the bill for you (the bigger companies will).
Good luck.

Thomas coupling
28th Sep 2005, 10:47
HUET for us is £180/person [$419 aus dollars]. per day.